Le samedi 01 avril 2006 à 19:29 -0800, Shane Stixrud a écrit :
The limitations around automating/scripting system changes without replacing whole config files is one problem. How about the differing syntax between most applications without a technical need, some of which have horrid syntax. The impracticality of programs sharing configuration elements with each other without each application being aware of every other applications magic syntax. The impossibility of having an automated system for saving and reverting changes without saving whole config files after every change and then figuring out what changed and why. Or how about the fact developing configuration guis/tools is many orders of magnitude more difficult when their is no consistent config file standard?
I'm not saying all your points are not a problem. But in the big picture they're not *the* problem.
Software design is a balance between the needs of the software writer, and the needs of the software user. Configuration files are already used to transfer some of the work from the software writer to the software user (if the software was perfect and the software writer omnicient there would be no need for config files).
You propose to make the transfer even easier with some new infrastructure. (easier on the software writer that is). But the current configuration pains stem not because this transfer is painful (adding a conf entry has always been less work for a software writer than figuring the right value or autodetect algorithm). They stem from software writers dumping ill-though keys on users. And here you'll make the situation even worse, by promoting a no-need-to-think configuration system (see the post on the new printing admin tool in the archives - problem not the conf file syntax but that key values/names are inconsistent).
A case in point is gconf where the work is already so little on the software writer part some apps have been known to dump serialized structures in conf files, and the Gnome people insistence on hiding most of the keys from users has led on a pile of crapload files (why bother thinking if users never see the keys ? except problems happen and user need to salvage systems).
Sendmail is another perfect example where configuration has been optimized for the software, not the humans and that's the #1 sendmail rejection factor today