Is it that difficult for RH to maintain contol, but be copied to extras for building in Fedora Extras? If this is not already a thread internal to RH it should be. What is the real and expected deliniation between FC, FE, RHEL, and RH as a company and the maintainers and community at large? I understand there are real business issues that forced the creation of FE, but now the continued push for more community involvment necessatated by package maintanince and thereby extending FE into FC's old territory... what's the deal?
I don't expect anyone can answer the question right now, but I think we at least deserve an answer at some point in the near future.
Cheers, Eric
Jeff Spaleta wrote:
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 13:52:45 -0500, Eric Warnke wrote:
Since this is the second time this has come up...
Is being part of RHEL reason enough to keep things in core? If that is the case I will exclude from my list all packages that exist in RHEL. Personally I don't think that should be the goal here.
There is no clear answer to this yet. The issue is complicated however by the fact that Extras buildsystem is seperate from the Red Hat internal buildsystem Core and RHEL both currently use. I'm sure the buildsystem constraints factor into how Red Hat decides where to keep RHEL relevant components under their control.