Actually, it's not hard to download the packages and install from source. (./configure ; make ; make install isn't much harder than "yum install" and it's more likely to work.)
you are completely wrong about that. yum has auto depedency resolver and several other advantages over installing from source. with pup in fc4 it would be even more friendlier
However, the whole reason I prefer Linux over Solaris is that Linux comes with a good userspace, not because the Linux kernel is all that good. (The big thing Linux has going for it is driver support.) As the things that I expect to be "just there" start to disappear, the advantages of sticking with Linux go away.
let me get this straight. if its called fedora core and is in ISO images, its there and if its in fedora extras as rpm packages, it goes away?
===== Regards Rahul Sundaram
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