On Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Joe Desbonnet wrote:
As far as I can tell Elektra does not support configuration schemas.
If I am not mistaken Elektra currently treats all plain text key values as strings. I think this is a feature and not a limitation. Elektra is friendly towards existing application configuration schemes. If it enforced key types (Integers, floats, strings etc...) things get a lot more complicated and it is not clear this is the right place to enforce it.
Perhaps enforcing the input types at a configuration builder API makes more sense, keeping libelektra free of the added complexity?
Cheers, Shane
On 4/2/06, Shane Stixrud shane@geeklords.org wrote:
On Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Avi Alkalay wrote:
This thread has gotten off track IMO. Does anyone care to critique Elektra from a technical stand point on its suitability as a Fedora configuration engine?
So far the technical critiques have been based on invalid assumptions.