Le lundi 03 avril 2006 à 14:51 -0300, Avi Alkalay a écrit :
Nicolas, is very hard to discuss opinions and that was your opinion. I respect that, even if I can't understand in what you based this opinion.
Actual shipping software which already behaves like this (server-side, where closed app vendors are already investing in integration), some years working in a software editor etc...
It's way cheaper to write blindly "safe" parameters in a conf file (safe for your part of the system that is) than try to behave nicely with the rest of the system (which may more often than not include the products of your competitors). Especially on the desktop if your bit works and other don't the user will blame the other bits.
The way all existing proprietary software for Linux systematically lags two or three generations behind the FOSS offerings on the integration front (core libs used, oss->alsa migration, core fonts -> fontconfig migration, ia32 -> amd64 transition, selinux...) should tell you where the keyboard manufacturer priorities will be.
My opinion is based mostly in observable evidence on what happened in the Windows world (the good parts), and a bit of intuition.
My opinion is based mostly in observable evidence on what happened in the Windows world (the bad parts), and the fact a lot of the good parts only materialised after MS waving a big stick before app vendors. Plus all I've seen on the Linux front. Your example adds the windows-like "liberty" to fool around and removes the current big stick (clearinghouses).
If elektra succeeds I predict this will be because big organised projects like Gnome or KDE adopt it and force some centralized decisions, not because various app vendors use it to poke holes in settings they shouldn't be allowed to change in the first place.
And I'll freely admit there is demand from app vendors to get the means to fool around like this, except the world in general and my desktop in particular will be a better place if this stays denied to them.
upstream, upstream, upstream as Fedora decided, you should listen to the people at Red Hat which actually have experience on the Linux integration front and take the long term view. Short-circuiting the integration process like you propose is a bad proposition for everyone (including your vendor). Even if its windows habits make it lean this way.