On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 14:59:48 -0800 Toshio Kuratomi toshio@tiki-lounge.com wrote:
I think Nicholas Mailhot had an extremely valid point: The configuration format (key = value; <key>value</key>; etc) is not a major stumbling block for a system admin. It's what the application developers choose as the name for key and what they fill value with that make configuration files easy or hard to understand. Elektra and the like are seeking to solve a problem that will only marginally aid a system administrator in editing a config file from a text editor.
System administration of say dhcp or dns or any other service on Windows isn't easier because of a unified key/value system. And clearly it has nothing to do with an ability to read well-named registry keys (what a nightmare). It's easier because of better and more functionally complete GUI administration tools. The same strategy should make Linux easier to administor for those looking to make the jump. And it has the upside of not requiring a grand unified plan.
As i've said in quite a few posts I agree with your conclusion, a common configuration registry will only improve things marginally.