I will be filing a request to update the Eclipse packaging guidelines.
Hi Everybody,
Now that the new packaging guidelines have been approved (https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/122) it will soon be time to implement these improvements in all Eclipse packages. The official packaging guidelines page will be update soon but for now a summary of the reconciler solution can be found here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Swagiaal/NewEclipsePackagingGuidelines#R...
This will be a great improvement in Eclipse installation experience on Fedora. It will get rid of bugs like this: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=760454 and its elk.
One issue is that the reconciler is all-or-nothing so it will install all plugins found; even ones which do not have the solution implemented. This can lead to issues when those packages have updates to offer. So for best results it we should implement this in all packages at once.
The list of all packages which provide Eclipse plugins is at the end of this message. If you own one of these packages or are just interested in helping with this please watch this thread. I will be sending out instructions on what needs to be done and how to test it. I have requested a custom Koji tag to do this work (https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5021) so I will send out the message as soon as that is approved. The goal is to finish this before f17 branches from rawhide.
Cheers! Sami
The list of packages:
eclipse eclipse-anyedit eclipse-avr eclipse-birt eclipse-callgraph eclipse-cdt eclipse-changelog eclipse-checkstyle eclipse-cmakeed eclipse-collabnet-merge eclipse-demos eclipse-dltk eclipse-dtp eclipse-eclemma eclipse-eclox eclipse-egit eclipse-emf eclipse-emf-query eclipse-emf-transaction eclipse-emf-validation eclipse-epic eclipse-fedorapackager eclipse-findbugs eclipse-gcov eclipse-gef eclipse-gprof eclipse-jgit eclipse-linuxprofilingframework eclipse-m2m-qvtoml eclipse-manpage eclipse-mdt-ocl eclipse-mdt-uml2 eclipse-mercurial eclipse-moreunit eclipse-mpc eclipse-mylar eclipse-mylyn eclipse-mylyn-builds eclipse-mylyn-commons eclipse-mylyn-context eclipse-mylyn-docs eclipse-mylyn-ide eclipse-mylyn-tasks eclipse-mylyn-versions eclipse-nls eclipse-nlspackager eclipse-oprofile eclipse-p2-discovery eclipse-packagekit eclipse-photran eclipse-phpeclipse eclipse-ptp eclipse-pydev eclipse-quickrex eclipse-rpm-editor eclipse-rpmstubby eclipse-rse eclipse-sdk-nls eclipse-setools eclipse-shelled eclipse-slice2java eclipse-slide eclipse-subclipse eclipse-systemtapgui eclipse-testframework eclipse-texlipse eclipse-valgrind eclipse-veditor eclipse-vrapper eclipse-wtp-common eclipse-wtp-servertools eclipse-wtp-sourceediting findbugs-contrib maven-eclipse-plugin svnkit