Quite a few packages that produce *-debuginfo without sources have crept again in rawhide. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Debuginfo for possible reasons, the most usual of which in my (past, haven't checked this batch that closely) experience is failure to honor $RPM_OPT_FLAGS during build which can also mean that the default security related compiler flags aren't being applied either.
List of such packages identified by my debuginfo-check.py is attached (ownership info generated with Thorsten's fedoradev-pkgowners). I intend to submit debuginfo-check.py to yum-utils (probably as debugrepo-check) and have added a similar check in upstream svn rpmlint, hopefully with these additions people will start noticing the issues easier.
Maintainer Package Co-maintainers ---------------------------------------------------------------- aconway rhm nsantos alexlan pvm (none) amdunn why (none) athimm mediawiki (none) ausil elftoaout pjones,spot,jima awjb multisync (none) bjensen colrdx sindrepb,sconklin,dp67 bonii moe (none) caolanm sac (none) ctyler nled overholt cweyl perl-DBI-Dumper perl-sig cwickert emelfm2 (none) dbhole antlr (none) dbhole jakarta-commons-logging overholt,kasal dbhole sinjdoc (none) dcantrel pyparted (none) dcbw csound pfj dchen libchewing i18n-team dchen tomoe-gtk i18n-team,ryo deji atlas deji devrim byaccj dbhole devrim postgresql-odbcng (none) devrim regexp (none) dledford lam (none) drepper pfstools (none) dwalluck hamcrest (none) dwheeler zenon pertusus fab rfdump (none) fab timespan (none) fnasser gnu-getopt (none) gemi curry (none) gemi erlang (none) gemi GtkAda (none) gemi wings (none) green phasex (none) guthrie simplyhtml (none) ianweller csstidy (none) ifoox mysql-connector-java (none) itamarjp balance (none) ixs ddrescue (none) ixs hevea (none) jkeating email2trac (none) jmagne esc (none) jsafrane freeipmi pknirsch jsafrane OpenIPMI pknirsch jwrdegoede elice (none) jwrdegoede lostlabyrinth (none) kasal transfig pertusus kdudka curl (none) konradm genus2reduction (none) konradm taginfo (none) kvolny vodovod (none) langel bouncycastle langel,oget laxathom gammu (none) limb astromenace (none) limb planets mmahut limb wesnoth wtogami linville b43-fwcutter (none) makghosh qps (none) maxamillion ninvaders (none) maxamillion shed (none) mbooth brazil (none) mmahut nightfall astronomy-sig mwringe xerces-j2 (none) oget slv2 (none) orion GMT pertusus orion wgrib2 pertusus ovasik star mildew overholt jython jmatthews pcheung avalon-logkit (none) pcheung concurrent (none) pcheung jakarta-commons-httpclient akurtakov pfj mono-debugger (none) pvrabec sectool jhrozek,mildew rishi osmo (none) rrankin denemo (none) sconklin splat bjensen,dp67 sergiopr blitz (none) sindrepb xdotool (none) snecker libflaim (none) tanguy gperiodic (none) terjeros simdock (none) thias gentoo (none) tuxbrewr quassel (none) twaugh cups (none) verdurin gnomint (none) wart wormux (none) wtogami ldm toshio,pertusus,eharrison,ryan52 zprikryl libtrash (none) (orphan) olpc-utils dcbw,johnp