Strings would be a sensible default in the absense of a schema, but I think you could do so much more if you had the *option* to have a schema in the infrastructure.
For each field the schema would define the data type (string, integer, date, ip, username, enum etc), constrains on the values (eg "must be integer between 1-5"), a help text or hyperlink to help, and GUI hints (eg widget preferences: pulldown menu vs radio buttons, tab groupings etc).
So instead of a system-config-blah for each application, you just have one system-config tool that autogenerates a GUI based on schema.
On 4/3/06, Shane Stixrud wrote:
If I am not mistaken Elektra currently treats all plain text key values as strings. I think this is a feature and not a limitation. Elektra is friendly towards existing application configuration schemes. If it