On Mon, 2 Feb 2009 07:25:37 -0900 Jeff Spaleta jspaleta@gmail.com wrote:
Hmm, is there a good way to generate a list of changes between moblin and Fedora packages that would help us identify some specific things we could get back? Is this a matter of cataloging the Moblin specific patch files in the Moblin srpms?
as I said before, the things we borrow we don't tend to patch
The other question is, does the way Moblin "borrow" packages from Fedora fall under the newish Fedora Remix trademark guidance?
I doubt it. I really don't consider Moblin "fedora + changes". It really isn't. It is much more a "New OS + borrow from Fedora and SuSE" I suspect (I haven't done the count) that less than half the packages fall under the "borrow from Fedora" umbrella. Probably more if you don't count applications.
And if so would Intel be willing to advertise (in some fashion) Moblin as a Fedora remix?
I don't think that is currently a relevant question...