On 4/3/06, Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot@laposte.net wrote:
Even if you manage to elektrify Gnome and KDE do you think you'll have more luck getting them agree on common keys than getting them agree on common filesystem objects *now* ?
Yes, this will be the next challenge. But at least will be a social challenge only. Currently nobody talks about any agreenment because the technical plumbing does not allow you to even think about it. Elektra is not the turn key solution. Its impossible to have one in this bazar. It takes time. Elektra at least makes it possible to start thinking about it, but to solve the end problem requires a lot of discussions like this, which is good.
Every conf bit is an elektra key. Fine goal. Everything in Unix is a file. Now does it get you much closer to app interoperability?
It is a step forward in a long walk. And in my opinion its very non-intuitive why converting it in keys makes this walk start. This is normal, and this is why we need a lot of discussions.