On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Roberto Ragusa mail@robertoragusa.it wrote:
On 05/06/2013 11:13 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Bastien Nocera bnocera@redhat.com wrote:
For GNOME 3.10 (due September 2013), Gustavo Padovan and I are going to be porting gnome-bluetooth, NetworkManager and PulseAudio to BlueZ5. Packages for BlueZ5 will be available as soon as we figure out how to integrate a few downstream features that were in the Fedora packages.
Bluez4 and Bluez5 are not parallel-installable, and incompatible, so other applications relying on Bluez4 will need to be ported by their respective maintainers.
Any analysis to what packages are affected, how many are yet to support the new API and how hard it will be for them to be ported over.
Impact on KDE?
No all packages that depend on bluez. It's usual for large potential breakages for the person pushing for the changes to give some overview etc.