On Monday 04 May 2009 17:58:35 Adam Jackson wrote:
On Sun, 2009-05-03 at 17:08 +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
been processed through something called specbuilder. The behaviour of this seems to have varied between versions - some remove the original changelog, some don't. In some cases the specfiles are identical to the Fedora ones (to the extent of including comments) but have simply had the changelog entries stripped.
There is a reasonably legitimate technical reason for this, which is that the changelogs end up in the rpmdb, which is wasted disk space for the moblin use case (user just wants firefox and doesn't care about package changelogs). It's about 24M on my machine, for instance.
Of course that's also something you could strip out at rpmbuild time...
Which sounds pretty good idea, so I went and asked:
#rpm.org <Tuju> hi, any change ever seeing that feature metioned in moblin thread in fedora-devel mailing list? it was about dropping changelog from binaries in rpmbuild. <PanuM> Tuju: that's actually already implemented upstream, just not in any released version yet <Tuju> well that's great news. <PanuM> here's the reference: http://rpm.org/ticket/47
DESCRIPTION To save space in the packages and the rpmdb a macro could limit the changelog in binary packages. That way ancient log entries could still be looked up in the spec file. Limit could be done by #entries or by time or both.
04/16/09 12:20:34 changed by jnovy status changed from new to closed. resolution set to fixed. The new changelog trimming feature is now implemented upstream. The current implementation allows changelog trimming based on changelog entry date. It is specified via _changelog_trimtime macro: # The Unix time of the latest kept changelog entry in binary packages. # Any older entry is not packaged in binary packages. %_changelog_trimtime 0