On Sat, Jun 25, 2022 at 08:53:03PM +0100, Sérgio Basto wrote:
On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 08:52 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 01:47:33PM -0500, Maxwell G via devel wrote:
On Monday, June 20, 2022 10:02:00 AM CDT Sérgio Basto wrote:
Is is possible include builds of one side-tag into other side-tag ?
It is also possible to `koji tag-build [dest side tag] [NEVR(s) from other side tag]`, which might work for your use case. I suppose setting one side tag to inherit builds from another one would require releng, as Vit said.
Yeah, I don't know that there's any good technical answer here.
We need to know that a side tag is in progress and a another side tag has rebuilt that in progress work and is trying to merge.
Keeping side tags short lived will help this as will communicating with others when you see them rebuild your in progress work.
So, is not a problem ? do :
- koji tag-build ["2nd side tag"] [NEVR(s) from "1st side tag"]
when 2nd side tag is finished we can do:
- koji untag-build ["2nd side tag"] [NEVR(s) from "1st side tag"]
After "1st side tag" submitted to bodhi, we can submit "2nd side tag".
The question is more if it is allowed to me ? tag and untag builds in my own side tag
Yes, you can.
However, I am not sure this really helps much.
Say you have a sidetag for libfoo. You do a bunch of builds, but there's a few things you need to fix, so the sidetag is still there.
Another side tag is created for say a python mass rebuild. A bunch of things are rebuilt.
Now, you could tag the new python and deps you need from it into your side tag and rebuild things, but that only really helps if you merge your sidetag at the same time as the python sidetag. If they merge before yours, you still need to rebuild your packages again that have python deps.
Anyhow, I think the answer here is more communication... if you have a sidetag and a bunch of builds done in it and you notice someone else doing rebuilds in a side tag, talk to them and coordinate landing things so the second one isn't full of broken builds.