Le dimanche 02 avril 2006 à 01:37 -0800, Shane Stixrud a écrit :
On Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Callum Lerwick wrote:
On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 04:44 +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
Good: Exim; dhcp; xinetd (as opposed to original inetd although the basic ideas are similar, the directory structure allowing split files is a big improvement over the single .conf file).
Apache, squid, Xorg, gdm.
Interesting. Tell me what is the best way to enable XDMCP in gdm via a configuration script? I'll give ya a hint Enable=false is often defined in multiple places within gdm.conf and the line numbers for these statements have and will change.
Configuration files that require either a) manual editing or b) complex error prone scripting are _NOT_ "Good".
But why is the gdm conf file such crap ? Is this because gdm writers had not lots of advanced configuration file libs at their disposition ?
It's because they consider : 1. the conf file is none of the user business 2. as a result little thought went in key naming 3. and even worse the keys themselves are not stable from release to release
How is elektra going to help with this ?