W dniu 11 września 2011 22:47 użytkownik Michał Piotrowski mkkp4x4@gmail.com napisał:
2011/9/11 Tom Lane tgl@redhat.com:
=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Micha=B3_Piotrowski?= mkkp4x4@gmail.com writes:
2011/9/11 Tom Lane tgl@redhat.com:
Yeah. I have done test packaging of 9.1rc1 already, so it's pretty much ready to go on my end. I would be prepared to push 9.1 into f16 on Monday if there were enough people willing to test and up-karma it before the freeze ... any volunteers out there?
I don't have F16, but I can rebuild packages and test on F15 if this will have some test value.
F15 is where I've been doing my own testing. It's the F16 packages that would need karma, though.
I tried to upgrade to F16 at Wednesday, but preupgrade failed somewhere. Next week I will not be able to upgrade because my vacation ended and I need a fully functioning system over the next few days (I've got a large webapp deployment). So I am afraid that I will not be useful for testing PGSQL 9.1 on F16.
The database weenie in me says that trying to push 9.1.0 into F16 at this late date is insane. I'm willing to do it if we can get enough testing attention, but I think it has to be honest testing in an F16-alpha environment.
If I find some time I'll try to install F16 on VM, but I do not know whether such tests will be useful. It seems to me that best and most valuable tests would be just do some regular work on DB.
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.1 on F16 for a week and did not notice any problems (except slower start). I used preupgrade to update system - after changing database directory in service file I had a working database. From my POV this update was painless :)
Great job. Thanks!