Bruno Wolff III writes:
On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 11:13:03 +0200, MichaĆ Piotrowski wrote:
F16 beta is targeted at 2011-09-27, so there is still a little time to upgrade PostgreSQL for this release.
The beta freeze starts two weeks before that and even if it gets in the next couple of days it is going to need testing to get positive karma before making it to updates on time. So there is really extremely little time to get 9.1 in in time for f16 beta.
Yeah. I have done test packaging of 9.1rc1 already, so it's pretty much ready to go on my end. I would be prepared to push 9.1 into f16 on Monday if there were enough people willing to test and up-karma it before the freeze ... any volunteers out there?
regards, tom lane