Greetings and hello to all people of this list ! So, let's introduce myself...
1. My real name is Jocelyn Delalande
2. I live in France/Basse Normandie/Orne
3. I'm student in a high school
4. I don't want to reveal the name of my school to keep a kind of anonymity... and it's not very usefull...
5. So, my goals ~ * I would like to package (or see published) some little packages of utilities, programs, games... that I use and that I love. For example, I have almost finished a package of numlockx, an utility that enable the numlock at X startup. Other softs (projects) mytoy, gmailfs, scite...
* I think I'll not write QA because of my english level... But I can make french translations of them, of course.
*Anything else special? Yes, please, be lenient with my english please ;-) but not hesitate to correct me if you see errors in packages, bugzilla... *Anything else special?(bis) I hope I will help a little the fedora project with my contributions and do a good work with fedora-devel-list members ! :-)
6. * Almost nothing... just help on forums/ IRC on http://fedora-france.org
* as the precedent... almost nothing ... just the bash (not fully) and the basics of rpm conception.
*Why should we trust you? and why not ;-) ?
~ 7.and to finish, my gpg : (registred on pgp.mit.edu)
pub 1024D/E19277EE 2005-02-26 ~ Empreinte de la clé = 0A74 3785 C9A5 9179 4338 F6D2 6178 56BA E192 77EE uid Jocelyn Delalande flyingpenguin61@gmail.com sub 2048g/12660C61 2005-02-26
see you
- -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Jocelyn Delalande + + flyingpenguin61@hotmail.com + + MSN:supergamerj@hotmail.com + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++