Due to my job changing and me using some of these packages less and less, I will orphaning several packages.
jabberpy -- (Fedora + EPEL) jss - (EPEL) perl-Business-CreditCard (Fedora + EPEL) perl-Frontier-RPC (EPEL) php-magpierss (Fedora + EPEL) php-spyc (Fedora + EPEL) python-pygooglechart (Fedora + EPEL) rubygem-merb-core (EPEL) rubygem-merb-gen (EPEL) rubygem-merb-slices (EPEL)
2011/7/25 Michael Stahnke mastahnke@gmail.com:
Due to my job changing and me using some of these packages less and less, I will orphaning several packages.
python-pygooglechart (Fedora + EPEL)
I need this package, and I would like to take ownership.
Domingo Becker