I'm the maintainer of BackupPC, a backup software written in perl.
I have some SELinux issues actually, and need your advices to create the relevant package.
BackupPC provides a web interface that needs write access to its config files (actually located under /etc/BackupPC). Problem is that /etc should not be writeable.
So my question is : where should I place those config files ? Config files should be located under /etc, but /etc should be readonly. /var/lib/backuppc would be a good idea, but it's not relevant for config files. Solutions I see : 1- keep config files under /etc, and make them writeable from apache, 2- simply move config files to /var/lib/backuppc 3- move config files to /var/lib/backuppc, and then create a symlink to this path in /etc
What would you advice ?
Regards, Johan
On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 13:57 +0200, Johan Cwiklinski wrote:
BackupPC provides a web interface that needs write access to its config files (actually located under /etc/BackupPC).
Are they then actually config files, or are they state files?
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams a écrit :
On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 13:57 +0200, Johan Cwiklinski wrote:
BackupPC provides a web interface that needs write access to its config files (actually located under /etc/BackupPC).
Are they then actually config files, or are they state files?
I'll say the're config files ; but I'm not sur to understand what you mean by state files...
There are several files : - hosts : lists hosts/ips/users to backup - config.pl : main BackupPC configuration file (what to backup, when to do it, which method should be used, etc...) - pc/*.pl : config files per hosts. These one pêrmit to ovverride some of confi.pl directives (what, when, method and do on).
Hope this will be a little more clear.
Regards, Johan