I have a proprietary drivers that install modules into /lib/modules/`unmae -r`/extra . For me it's the right place.
But kmodule don't look into extra directory. Which one is wrong ?
The code (kmodule.c from initscripts) : int isAvailable(char *modulename) { struct utsname utsbuf; char path[512];
uname(&utsbuf); snprintf(mod_name,100,"%s.ko",modulename); snprintf(cmod_name,100,"%s.ko.gz",modulename); snprintf(path,512,"/lib/modules/%s/kernel",utsbuf.release); /* Do not set the third argument of this function to < 6. Blarg. */ if (ftw(path,isModule,15) == 1) { return 1; } return 0; }