This may sound like a very strange thing to do, but it may be useful in situations where you have only one physical machine and want to play with GFS based clusters. So the real question is, did anyone try this (with current development branch) and if yes, was there some kind of "magic" setup involved or did it just work?
I've posted this message originally on the user list, but later realised that the devel list is the correct place for virtualisation questions. Sorry :-(
-- Bojan
Quoting Bojan Smojver
This may sound like a very strange thing to do, but it may be useful in situations where you have only one physical machine and want to play with GFS based clusters. So the real question is, did anyone try this (with current development branch) and if yes, was there some kind of "magic" setup involved or did it just work?
OK, kernel 2.6.10-1.1149_FC4xenU, got GFS to compile with a minor patch:
----------------------------------------- diff -ruN gfs-kernel-2.6.9-5-vanilla/src/gfs/quota.c gfs-kernel-2.6.9-5/src/gfs/ quota.c --- gfs-kernel-2.6.9-5-vanilla/src/gfs/quota.c 2004-12-20 10:14:33.000000000 -0 500 +++ gfs-kernel-2.6.9-5/src/gfs/quota.c 2005-02-24 20:28:07.000000000 -0500 @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ if (current->signal) { tty = current->signal->tty; if (tty && tty->driver->write) - tty->driver->write(tty, 0, line, len); + tty->driver->write(tty, line, len); }
kfree(line); -----------------------------------------
GFS loads and I can make the file system, no worries. However, mounting still doesn't work, unless lock_nolock is used (which is kinda pointless for what I'm trying to do):
----------------------------------------- mount -v -t gfs /dev/sda2 /gfs GFS: Trying to join cluster "lock_gulm", "cluster:gfs" lock_gulm: Unknown symbol in6addr_loopback lock_harness: can't find protocol lock_gulm GFS: can't mount proto = lock_gulm, table = cluster:gfs, hostdata = mount: No such file or directory -----------------------------------------
I'm guessing recompile of the xenU kernel is in order to get the correct symbols exported out of ipv6?
-- Bojan
Quoting Bojan Smojver
I'm guessing recompile of the xenU kernel is in order to get the correct symbols exported out of ipv6?
I think I wasn't clear here... Sorry :-(
One can find this line in modules.symbols of kernel-2.6.10-1.766_FC3:
alias symbol:in6addr_loopback ipv6
No such thing in modules.symbols of any of the FC4 devel kernels... Not sure why.
-- Bojan