Attached are three patches that I made to get Fedora-devel to install on a bios sata raid-0 system (Sil 3112 on Abit AN7). It uses Heinz Mauelshagen's dmraid for detecting the disks.
The first patch is against Anaconda. It removes the raid disks from the isys disklist and replaces them with the mapper device. The patch requires the full (not enable-mini) dmraid binary in the stage 2 image. I tested the patched Anaconda in install, upgrade and rescue mode (text and gui) and had no problems on my system.
The second patch is against mkinitrd. It adds /sbin/dmraid.static to the initrd if necessary and updates the initscript. The /sbin/dmraid.static binary is not yet a part of the current dmraid rpm, so you need to provide your own.
The third patch is against rc.sysinit so that dmraid.static is run at boot. Again, you need the full dmraid binary under /sbin/dmraid.static (not enable-mini) because the rc.sysinit script uses the testmode first before enabling the mapper devices.
I now have a Fedora-devel system booting from my two raid-0 disks. Unfortunately, there is no bootloader for /dev/mapper devices. There is a patch against lilo to make it work on devmapper devices here (http://www.saout.de/misc/) and Eric Agsjö has a patch to make it work with raid-1 devices here (https://www.redhat.com/archives/ataraid-list/2004-October/msg00007.html). I am still using lilo under FC1 (using the medley.o module) and that works for me.
I hope someone finds these patches useful; it would be very nice if FC4 would install on and boot from these bios ide raid devices without too much hacking.
Kind regards,
Mark Wormgoor
Mark Wormgoor wrote:
Attached are three patches that I made to get Fedora-devel to install on a bios sata raid-0 system (Sil 3112 on Abit AN7). It uses Heinz Mauelshagen's dmraid for detecting the disks.
I hope someone finds these patches useful; it would be very nice if FC4 would install on and boot from these bios ide raid devices without too much hacking.
Any progress on this?
This seems to be the solution some of us have been waiting for.
Anyone roll a custom ISO using these patches?
- K.