The License field for the libinstpatch 1.0.0 (a pre-release version from SVN) packaged in Fedora 32–34 has been corrected from “LGPLv2+” to “LGPLv2 and GPLv2 and Public Domain”.
In Fedora 35, libinstpatch has been updated to version 1.1.6, which brings another license change, to “LGPLv2 and Public Domain”, and a so-version bump from 0 to 2. Also the directory containing the headers now ends in the so-version (%{_incdir}/libinstpatch-2), but dependent packages all use pkgconfig and do not care.
I have built the update in the side tag “f35-build-side-40054”. The following PR’s cover the dependent packages:
muse: gsequencer:
Thanks for sharing this interesting and informative information
Le Mentok