I would like to submit for critique, suggests, etc. this program I have made. It is the first GUI app I've made in Linux, and I would appreciate some constructive criticism.
I made this program because system-config-boot as it exists (in FC4 and FC5Test3 at least) only allows for selecting of a default boot entry and changing of the timeout. And FC tends to accumulate a large list of boot entries during its release cycle. Who knows, maybe this can be included in FC.
I coded it on a machine running FC5Test3 in case that makes any difference.
Arthur -- As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with Penguins.
On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:41:21 -0600 "Arthur Pemberton" pemboa@gmail.com wrote:
I would like to submit for critique, suggests, etc. this program I have made. It is the first GUI app I've made in Linux, and I would appreciate some constructive criticism.
I made this program because system-config-boot as it exists (in FC4 and FC5Test3 at least) only allows for selecting of a default boot entry and changing of the timeout. And FC tends to accumulate a large list of boot entries during its release cycle. Who knows, maybe this can be included in FC.
I coded it on a machine running FC5Test3 in case that makes any difference.
At first blush it looks good, only some minor comments.
It would be nice to have some mouse-hover pop up help or maybe a full blown help button on the Edit-Boot-Entry screen. I'm not sure what options like "Make root active" actually do.
Would be nice if only the tab for the boot type (kernel/ chainloader) you select was available. Or at least the one not selected should be dimmed out to make it clear that it's not needed.
The default and fallback designators are a little odd. I realize you're supporting all the features of boot.conf by showing them. It just seems a bit strange changing the menu order and not making the top one the default. Probably nothing to do here, just didn't feel right at first.
Not sure what the modules list on the kernel tab is meant to do.
On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 15:41 -0600, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
I would like to submit for critique, suggests, etc. this program I have made. It is the first GUI app I've made in Linux, and I would appreciate some constructive criticism.
I made this program because system-config-boot as it exists (in FC4 and FC5Test3 at least) only allows for selecting of a default boot entry and changing of the timeout. And FC tends to accumulate a large list of boot entries during its release cycle. Who knows, maybe this can be included in FC.
Then submit that as a patch against the current application and file a RFE. installonlyn plugin already solves this problem without resorting to tweaking.