Hello everyone
After some massiv rethoughts and rework of my previous Script-Collection (which used remote properitary files), i renamed it to Script-Tools, and reduced its output to stdout.
It is considred alpha status.
The coding follows now a strict order to enable manpage generation via scripts, in the beta phase which will be enabled as soon the developers section is working (sf code|files, rpm|koji, git :: svn will follow after beta). But thats for later.
Currently it provides tools to: * tweak grub2 defaults * tweak services (missing feedbacks to improve) * tweak plymouth * download iso fedora iso files * a menu to write an iso file to a pluged in usb-device * Create a tarball of your developer project * upload current branch code to sf via git * build rpm * build koji for selected arch and much more.
Review Request: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=835089
Thank you in advance and kind regards