Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan Ajaxterm Orphan CodeAnalyst-gui Orphan EmfEngine Orphan Miro comaintained by: salimma alexlan Orphan QTeXEngine Orphan TVAnytimeAPI Orphan agave Orphan anyterm Orphan automake15 Orphan automake16 Orphan basket Orphan bespin comaintained by: rdieter Orphan blokkal Orphan brandy Orphan buffer Orphan camcardsync Orphan cdo Orphan cgoban Orphan ciso Orphan clex Orphan cmospwd Orphan cnetworkmanager Orphan comoonics-base-py comaintained by: elcody02 Orphan compizconfig-backend-kconfig comaintained by: izhar Orphan cowbell Orphan cssed Orphan ctapi-cyberjack Orphan ctrlproxy comaintained by: bernie Orphan cwrite Orphan db4o Orphan decibel-audio-player comaintained by: rakesh Orphan diffpdf Orphan ds9 comaintained by: mmahut Orphan e_dbus Orphan edje Orphan efreet Orphan embryo Orphan enlightenment Orphan epeg Orphan evolution-sharp comaintained by: mbarnes Orphan fig2sxd Orphan fsvs comaintained by: wolfy Orphan funtools Orphan gbirthday Orphan gdeskcal Orphan glite-security-trustmanager Orphan glite-security-util-java Orphan gnome-applet-bubblemon comaintained by: cwickert Orphan gnome-applet-cpufire comaintained by: edwintb Orphan gnome-applet-timer Orphan gnome-applet-window-picker Orphan gnome-globalmenu Orphan gnome-launch-box Orphan gnome-netstatus Orphan gnome-schedule Orphan gnome-themes-extras Orphan gnome-vfsmm26 Orphan gnubiff Orphan gnusim8085 comaintained by: chitlesh Orphan gpar2 Orphan gquilt comaintained by: sundaram Orphan granule Orphan griv Orphan gtkhtml2 Orphan gtranslator comaintained by: tbzatek Orphan guile-gnome-platform Orphan gurlchecker Orphan gwaei Orphan gwave comaintained by: tnorth Orphan halibut Orphan harminv Orphan healpy Orphan idesk Orphan igraph Orphan imgtarget Orphan initng Orphan initng-conf-gtk Orphan initng-ifiles Orphan inotail Orphan itpp Orphan jcalendar Orphan kdetv Orphan kdocker Orphan kgtk Orphan klibido Orphan knutclient Orphan l2fprod-common Orphan labyrinth Orphan libassa Orphan libassuan1 Orphan libepc Orphan libglfw Orphan libgnomemm26 Orphan libgnomeuimm26 Orphan libhildon Orphan liblicense comaintained by: ausil Orphan libopensync-plugin-kdepim Orphan liborigin2 Orphan libsoup22 Orphan libsysactivity Orphan libvisual-plugins Orphan link-grammar Orphan linuxdcpp Orphan loudmouth comaintained by: tjikkun otaylor Orphan lwp comaintained by: nhorman Orphan madwimax Orphan maximus Orphan metacafe-dl Orphan mingw32-physfs comaintained by: rjones Orphan mod_auth_mysql Orphan mod_auth_pgsql Orphan mod_authz_ldap Orphan moin-latex Orphan monotorrent comaintained by: dnielsen Orphan moto4lin Orphan mrepo Orphan multiget Orphan mumbles Orphan nabi Orphan nachocalendar Orphan notecase Orphan ocfs2-tools comaintained by: fabbione Orphan onboard Orphan opensaml Orphan osiv Orphan ots Orphan pcmanx-gtk2 Orphan pgRouting Orphan phoronix-test-suite Orphan php-suhosin Orphan picocom comaintained by: kevin Orphan picturetile Orphan pigment Orphan postgresql-pgpool-ha Orphan presto Orphan procbench Orphan proxychains Orphan pyorbit Orphan python-Chaco Orphan python-Enable Orphan python-TraitsBackendWX Orphan python-mechanoid Orphan python-rabbyt Orphan python-tilecache Orphan pyxmms Orphan qgo Orphan qps Orphan qtiplot Orphan qwit Orphan ranpwd Orphan rinputd Orphan rpc2 comaintained by: nhorman Orphan ruby-bdb Orphan rubygem-cobbler Orphan rubygem-rcov Orphan rubyripper Orphan rvm comaintained by: nhorman Orphan scantailor Orphan scidavis Orphan scribes Orphan scribes-templates Orphan scrip Orphan secstate Orphan seedit Orphan sentinella Orphan slim comaintained by: pertusus Orphan smb4k Orphan ss5 comaintained by: itamarjp Orphan starlab comaintained by: mmahut Orphan straw Orphan struts Orphan subtitlecomposer Orphan sunbird comaintained by: huzaifas mmahut Orphan sx Orphan tenr-de-styles-pkg Orphan tilda comaintained by: laxathom Orphan tinycdb Orphan tla comaintained by: jzeleny Orphan tokyotyrant comaintained by: deji Orphan torium Orphan viaideinfo Orphan vidalia Orphan vor Orphan wcstools comaintained by: mmahut Orphan whowatch Orphan wifiroamd Orphan xdx Orphan xine-ui Orphan xinha Orphan xmltooling Orphan xmms-alarm Orphan xmms-modplug Orphan xpa Orphan xqf Orphan xqilla Orphan xsri Orphan xtvd Orphan xvkbd
List of deps left behind by orphan removal:
Orphan: anyterm ovirt-node requires anyterm = 1.1.29-9.fc15
Orphan: automake16 sinjdoc requires automake16 = 1.6.3-18.fc13.1
Orphan: comoonics-base-py comoonics-cdsl-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5 comoonics-cluster-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5
Orphan: evolution-sharp tasque requires evolution-sharp = 0.21.1-14.fc16 tasque requires evolution-sharp-devel = 0.21.1-14.fc16 tasque requires mono(evolution-sharp) =
Orphan: gnome-vfsmm26 assogiate requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1 assogiate requires gnome-vfsmm26-devel = 2.26.0-2.fc15 gcdmaster requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1 referencer requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
Orphan: gtkhtml2 claws-mail-plugins requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gimp requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gnome-python2-extras requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires gtkhtml2 = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gphpedit requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gphpedit requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gyachi requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gyachi requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 osmo requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 osmo requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 ruby-gnome2 requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 ruby-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
Orphan: gwave emacs-spice-mode requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13 gspiceui requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13
Orphan: halibut putty requires halibut = 1.0-2.20100504svn8934.fc14
Orphan: igraph python-igraph requires igraph-devel = 0.5.4-3.fc15 python-igraph requires libigraph.so.0
Orphan: libepc glom requires libepc-1.0.so.2 glom requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15 glom-libs requires libepc-1.0.so.2 totem requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15 totem-publish requires libepc-1.0.so.2 totem-publish requires libepc-ui-1.0.so.2
Orphan: libglfw hosts3d requires libglfw.so.2.6 hosts3d requires libglfw-devel = 2.6-6.fc15 hosts3d-sampler requires libglfw.so.2.6 taoframework-glfw requires libglfw = 2.6-6.fc15
Orphan: libgnomemm26 gcdmaster requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1 me-tv requires libgnomemm26-devel = 2.28.0-2 referencer requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1
Orphan: libgnomeuimm26 cdrdao requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15 gcdmaster requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1 me-tv requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15 referencer requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1 referencer requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15
Orphan: libsoup22 buoh requires libsoup-2.2.so.8 buoh requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15 libopensync-plugin-syncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15 libsyncml requires libsoup-2.2.so.8 libsyncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15
Orphan: link-grammar abiword requires link-grammar-devel = 4.6.7-3.fc14 libabiword requires liblink-grammar.so.4 libabiword requires link-grammar = 4.6.7-3.fc14
Orphan: loudmouth abiword requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 amarok requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 amarok requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 callweaver requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 callweaver-jabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 freetalk requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 freetalk requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 irssi-xmpp requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth = 1.4.3-8.fc15 libabiword requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 mcabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 mcabber requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 mcabber-devel requires pkgconfig(loudmouth-1.0) = 1.4.3
Orphan: lwp coda requires lwp-devel = 2.6-2.fc15 coda-backup requires liblwp.so.2 coda-client requires liblwp.so.2 coda-server requires liblwp.so.2
Orphan: monotorrent monsoon requires monotorrent-devel = 0.80-5.fc15
Orphan: ots abiword requires ots-devel = 0.5.0-4.fc15 libabiword requires libots-1.so.0
Orphan: pigment pigment-python requires libpigment-imaging-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires pigment-devel = 0.3.17-3.fc12 pigment-python requires libpigment-gtk-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires libpigment-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires pigment = 0.3.17-3.fc12
Orphan: pyorbit at-spi-python requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gdesklets requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gnome-python2 requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gnome-python2-bonobo requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15 orca requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15
Orphan: rpc2 coda requires rpc2-devel = 2.10-2.fc15 coda-backup requires libse.so.5 coda-backup requires librpc2.so.5 coda-client requires libse.so.5 coda-client requires librpc2.so.5 coda-server requires libse.so.5 coda-server requires librpc2.so.5
Orphan: rubygem-cobbler ovirt-server requires rubygem(cobbler) = 1.6.1
Orphan: rubygem-rcov rubygem-amazon-ec2 requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8 rubygem-rake-compiler requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8 rubygem-xmpp4r-simple requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8
Orphan: rvm coda requires rvm-devel = 1.17-3.fc15 coda requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15 coda-client requires librvmlwp.so.1 coda-client requires librdslwp.so.1 coda-client requires libseglwp.so.1 coda-server requires librvmlwp.so.1 coda-server requires librdslwp.so.1 coda-server requires libseglwp.so.1 coda-server requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15
Orphan: struts tomcat5 requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16 tomcat5-admin-webapps requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16 xdoclet requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16
Orphan: sunbird mozilla-firetray-sunbird requires sunbird = 1.0-0.33.b2pre.fc15
Orphan: tinycdb contextkit requires tinycdb-devel = 0.77-3.fc15 contextkit requires libcdb.so.1
Orphan: tla git-arch requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 perl-Test-AutoBuild requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 perl-Test-AutoBuild-tla requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 python-vcpx requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12
Orphan: xine-ui me-tv requires xine-ui = 0.99.6-26.fc15
Orphan: xqilla qpid-cpp requires xqilla-devel = 2.2.4-1.fc16 qpid-cpp-server-xml requires xqilla = 2.2.4-1.fc16 qpid-cpp-server-xml requires libxqilla.so.5
The script that generated this page can be found at https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/browser/scripts/find-unblocked-orphans.py There you can also report bugs and RFEs.
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 03:28:05PM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan sx
I've taken this one.
Cheers, Niels
Bill Nottingham venit, vidit, dixit 20.07.2011 21:28:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan xine-ui
I've taken master, f15 and f14 branches.
On master it did not build any more. This is fixed in xine-ui-0.99.6-27.fc16 which I just pushed. (Due tu libcurl-devel changes.)
The same rpm builds on f15 and f14 but they don't need the fix.
Epel6 does not build with this, so I'm holding back taking that branch until I see clearer.
I have no intention to take epel5.
Cheers, Michael
Orphan notecase
I think this one is being retired due to a FTBFS, which could easily be fixed:
On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 20:52:47 +0100, Richard Fearn richardfearn@gmail.com wrote:
Orphan notecase
I think this one is being retired due to a FTBFS, which could easily be fixed:
Except that being FTBFS for a long time is also a good indication that the package isn't being properly maintained and could use a new owner.
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com wrote:
Orphan libsoup22
I am extremely reluctantly taking this as I maintain buoh which depends on it. If I can verify that buoh works with the current version of libsoup, I'll orphan it again.
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan Ajaxterm Orphan CodeAnalyst-gui Orphan EmfEngine Orphan Miro comaintained by: salimma alexlan Orphan QTeXEngine Orphan TVAnytimeAPI Orphan agave Orphan anyterm Orphan automake15 Orphan automake16 Orphan basket Orphan bespin comaintained by: rdieter Orphan blokkal Orphan brandy Orphan buffer Orphan camcardsync Orphan cdo Orphan cgoban Orphan ciso Orphan clex Orphan cmospwd Orphan cnetworkmanager Orphan comoonics-base-py comaintained by: elcody02 Orphan compizconfig-backend-kconfig comaintained by: izhar Orphan cowbell Orphan cssed Orphan ctapi-cyberjack Orphan ctrlproxy comaintained by: bernie Orphan cwrite Orphan db4o Orphan decibel-audio-player comaintained by: rakesh Orphan diffpdf Orphan ds9 comaintained by: mmahut Orphan e_dbus Orphan edje Orphan efreet Orphan embryo Orphan enlightenment Orphan epeg Orphan evolution-sharp comaintained by: mbarnes Orphan fig2sxd Orphan fsvs comaintained by: wolfy Orphan funtools Orphan gbirthday Orphan gdeskcal Orphan glite-security-trustmanager Orphan glite-security-util-java Orphan gnome-applet-bubblemon comaintained by: cwickert Orphan gnome-applet-cpufire comaintained by: edwintb Orphan gnome-applet-timer Orphan gnome-applet-window-picker Orphan gnome-globalmenu Orphan gnome-launch-box Orphan gnome-netstatus Orphan gnome-schedule Orphan gnome-themes-extras Orphan gnome-vfsmm26 Orphan gnubiff Orphan gnusim8085 comaintained by: chitlesh Orphan gpar2 Orphan gquilt comaintained by: sundaram Orphan granule Orphan griv Orphan gtkhtml2 Orphan gtranslator comaintained by: tbzatek Orphan guile-gnome-platform Orphan gurlchecker Orphan gwaei Orphan gwave comaintained by: tnorth Orphan halibut Orphan harminv Orphan healpy Orphan idesk Orphan igraph Orphan imgtarget Orphan initng Orphan initng-conf-gtk Orphan initng-ifiles Orphan inotail Orphan itpp Orphan jcalendar Orphan kdetv Orphan kdocker Orphan kgtk Orphan klibido Orphan knutclient Orphan l2fprod-common Orphan labyrinth Orphan libassa Orphan libassuan1 Orphan libepc Orphan libglfw Orphan libgnomemm26 Orphan libgnomeuimm26 Orphan libhildon Orphan liblicense comaintained by: ausil Orphan libopensync-plugin-kdepim Orphan liborigin2 Orphan libsoup22 Orphan libsysactivity Orphan libvisual-plugins Orphan link-grammar Orphan linuxdcpp Orphan loudmouth comaintained by: tjikkun otaylor Orphan lwp comaintained by: nhorman Orphan madwimax Orphan maximus Orphan metacafe-dl Orphan mingw32-physfs comaintained by: rjones Orphan mod_auth_mysql Orphan mod_auth_pgsql Orphan mod_authz_ldap Orphan moin-latex Orphan monotorrent comaintained by: dnielsen Orphan moto4lin Orphan mrepo Orphan multiget Orphan mumbles Orphan nabi Orphan nachocalendar Orphan notecase Orphan ocfs2-tools comaintained by: fabbione Orphan onboard Orphan opensaml Orphan osiv Orphan ots Orphan pcmanx-gtk2 Orphan pgRouting Orphan phoronix-test-suite Orphan php-suhosin Orphan picocom comaintained by: kevin Orphan picturetile Orphan pigment Orphan postgresql-pgpool-ha Orphan presto Orphan procbench Orphan proxychains Orphan pyorbit Orphan python-Chaco Orphan python-Enable Orphan python-TraitsBackendWX Orphan python-mechanoid Orphan python-rabbyt Orphan python-tilecache Orphan pyxmms Orphan qgo Orphan qps Orphan qtiplot Orphan qwit Orphan ranpwd Orphan rinputd Orphan rpc2 comaintained by: nhorman Orphan ruby-bdb Orphan rubygem-cobbler Orphan rubygem-rcov Orphan rubyripper Orphan rvm comaintained by: nhorman Orphan scantailor Orphan scidavis Orphan scribes Orphan scribes-templates Orphan scrip Orphan secstate Orphan seedit Orphan sentinella Orphan slim comaintained by: pertusus Orphan smb4k Orphan ss5 comaintained by: itamarjp Orphan starlab comaintained by: mmahut Orphan straw Orphan struts Orphan subtitlecomposer Orphan sunbird comaintained by: huzaifas mmahut Orphan sx Orphan tenr-de-styles-pkg Orphan tilda comaintained by: laxathom Orphan tinycdb Orphan tla comaintained by: jzeleny Orphan tokyotyrant comaintained by: deji Orphan torium Orphan viaideinfo Orphan vidalia Orphan vor Orphan wcstools comaintained by: mmahut Orphan whowatch Orphan wifiroamd Orphan xdx Orphan xine-ui Orphan xinha Orphan xmltooling Orphan xmms-alarm Orphan xmms-modplug Orphan xpa Orphan xqf Orphan xqilla Orphan xsri Orphan xtvd Orphan xvkbd
List of deps left behind by orphan removal:
Orphan: anyterm ovirt-node requires anyterm = 1.1.29-9.fc15
Orphan: automake16 sinjdoc requires automake16 = 1.6.3-18.fc13.1
Orphan: comoonics-base-py comoonics-cdsl-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5 comoonics-cluster-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5
Orphan: evolution-sharp tasque requires evolution-sharp = 0.21.1-14.fc16 tasque requires evolution-sharp-devel = 0.21.1-14.fc16 tasque requires mono(evolution-sharp) =
Orphan: gnome-vfsmm26 assogiate requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1 assogiate requires gnome-vfsmm26-devel = 2.26.0-2.fc15 gcdmaster requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1 referencer requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
Orphan: gtkhtml2 claws-mail-plugins requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gimp requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gnome-python2-extras requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires gtkhtml2 = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gphpedit requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gphpedit requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gyachi requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gyachi requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 osmo requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 osmo requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 ruby-gnome2 requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 ruby-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
Orphan: gwave emacs-spice-mode requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13 gspiceui requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13
Orphan: halibut putty requires halibut = 1.0-2.20100504svn8934.fc14
Orphan: igraph python-igraph requires igraph-devel = 0.5.4-3.fc15 python-igraph requires libigraph.so.0
Orphan: libepc glom requires libepc-1.0.so.2 glom requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15 glom-libs requires libepc-1.0.so.2 totem requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15 totem-publish requires libepc-1.0.so.2 totem-publish requires libepc-ui-1.0.so.2
Orphan: libglfw hosts3d requires libglfw.so.2.6 hosts3d requires libglfw-devel = 2.6-6.fc15 hosts3d-sampler requires libglfw.so.2.6 taoframework-glfw requires libglfw = 2.6-6.fc15
Orphan: libgnomemm26 gcdmaster requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1 me-tv requires libgnomemm26-devel = 2.28.0-2 referencer requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1
Orphan: libgnomeuimm26 cdrdao requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15 gcdmaster requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1 me-tv requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15 referencer requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1 referencer requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15
Orphan: libsoup22 buoh requires libsoup-2.2.so.8 buoh requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15 libopensync-plugin-syncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15 libsyncml requires libsoup-2.2.so.8 libsyncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15
Orphan: link-grammar abiword requires link-grammar-devel = 4.6.7-3.fc14 libabiword requires liblink-grammar.so.4 libabiword requires link-grammar = 4.6.7-3.fc14
Orphan: loudmouth abiword requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 amarok requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 amarok requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 callweaver requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 callweaver-jabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 freetalk requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 freetalk requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 irssi-xmpp requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth = 1.4.3-8.fc15 libabiword requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 mcabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 mcabber requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 mcabber-devel requires pkgconfig(loudmouth-1.0) = 1.4.3
Orphan: lwp coda requires lwp-devel = 2.6-2.fc15 coda-backup requires liblwp.so.2 coda-client requires liblwp.so.2 coda-server requires liblwp.so.2
Orphan: monotorrent monsoon requires monotorrent-devel = 0.80-5.fc15
Orphan: ots abiword requires ots-devel = 0.5.0-4.fc15 libabiword requires libots-1.so.0
Orphan: pigment pigment-python requires libpigment-imaging-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires pigment-devel = 0.3.17-3.fc12 pigment-python requires libpigment-gtk-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires libpigment-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires pigment = 0.3.17-3.fc12
Orphan: pyorbit at-spi-python requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gdesklets requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gnome-python2 requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gnome-python2-bonobo requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15 orca requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15
Orphan: rpc2 coda requires rpc2-devel = 2.10-2.fc15 coda-backup requires libse.so.5 coda-backup requires librpc2.so.5 coda-client requires libse.so.5 coda-client requires librpc2.so.5 coda-server requires libse.so.5 coda-server requires librpc2.so.5
Orphan: rubygem-cobbler ovirt-server requires rubygem(cobbler) = 1.6.1
Orphan: rubygem-rcov rubygem-amazon-ec2 requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8 rubygem-rake-compiler requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8 rubygem-xmpp4r-simple requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8
Orphan: rvm coda requires rvm-devel = 1.17-3.fc15 coda requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15 coda-client requires librvmlwp.so.1 coda-client requires librdslwp.so.1 coda-client requires libseglwp.so.1 coda-server requires librvmlwp.so.1 coda-server requires librdslwp.so.1 coda-server requires libseglwp.so.1 coda-server requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15
Orphan: struts tomcat5 requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16 tomcat5-admin-webapps requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16 xdoclet requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16
Orphan: sunbird mozilla-firetray-sunbird requires sunbird = 1.0-0.33.b2pre.fc15
Orphan: tinycdb contextkit requires tinycdb-devel = 0.77-3.fc15 contextkit requires libcdb.so.1
Orphan: tla git-arch requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 perl-Test-AutoBuild requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 perl-Test-AutoBuild-tla requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 python-vcpx requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12
Orphan: xine-ui me-tv requires xine-ui = 0.99.6-26.fc15
Orphan: xqilla qpid-cpp requires xqilla-devel = 2.2.4-1.fc16 qpid-cpp-server-xml requires xqilla = 2.2.4-1.fc16 qpid-cpp-server-xml requires libxqilla.so.5
I've taken ots and loudmouth as its needed by abiword, uwog has already picked up link-grammar.
2011/7/20 Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Hi, I've orphaned me-tv that I've picked from this reminder. It rely on components that doesn't have a chance to be in fedora.
Please put it back on the block list.
Nicolas (kwizart)
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 03:28:05PM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan Miro comaintained by: salimma alexlan
Just wondering: Did the comaintainers get a copy of this mail?
Regards Till
Till Maas (opensource@till.name) said:
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 03:28:05PM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan Miro comaintained by: salimma alexlan
Just wondering: Did the comaintainers get a copy of this mail?
Only inasmuch as they're subscribed to devel@.
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 03:51:16PM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Till Maas (opensource@till.name) said:
Just wondering: Did the comaintainers get a copy of this mail?
Only inasmuch as they're subscribed to devel@.
I hereby propose to change this in the future and explicitly CC comaintainers to make them aware that their package is orphaned.
Regards Till
On 7/26/11 8:48 AM, Till Maas wrote:
I hereby propose to change this in the future and explicitly CC comaintainers to make them aware that their package is orphaned.
This can easily be done by just mailing <package>-owner@fedoraproject.org It will get to all co-maintainers.
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 09:29:40AM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
On 7/26/11 8:48 AM, Till Maas wrote:
I hereby propose to change this in the future and explicitly CC comaintainers to make them aware that their package is orphaned.
This can easily be done by just mailing <package>-owner@fedoraproject.org It will get to all co-maintainers.
This might not work for orphaned packages, because I tried it for Miro but the mail bounced.
Regards Till
On 7/28/11 9:02 AM, Till Maas wrote:
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 09:29:40AM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
On 7/26/11 8:48 AM, Till Maas wrote:
I hereby propose to change this in the future and explicitly CC comaintainers to make them aware that their package is orphaned.
This can easily be done by just mailing <package>-owner@fedoraproject.org It will get to all co-maintainers.
This might not work for orphaned packages, because I tried it for Miro but the mail bounced.
Regards Till
Sounds like a bug in the alias generator.
----- "Bill Nottingham" notting@redhat.com wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan cnetworkmanager Orphan comoonics-base-py comaintained by: elcody02
I'm co maintaining this package and it is required for the packages comoonics-cdsl-py and comoonics-cluster-py. Sorry but it didn't came to my attention that this package is orphaned. Can I do something to move it to a proper state? (pickup, ..)
Thanks for you help Marc.
Orphan compizconfig-backend-kconfig comaintained by: izhar Orphan cowbell
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 01:56:36PM +0200, Marc Grimme wrote:
----- "Bill Nottingham" notting@redhat.com wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan cnetworkmanager Orphan comoonics-base-py comaintained by: elcody02
I'm co maintaining this package and it is required for the packages comoonics-cdsl-py and comoonics-cluster-py. Sorry but it didn't came to my attention that this package is orphaned. Can I do something to move it to a proper state? (pickup, ..)
Visit: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/comoonics-base-py Login. Click the buttons to take over ownership of the package on Fedora releases that you care about.
Am Mittwoch, 20 Juli 2011 15:28:05 schrieb Bill Nottingham: BN> Orphan: libglfw BN> hosts3d requires libglfw.so.2.6 BN> hosts3d requires libglfw-devel = 2.6-6.fc15 BN> hosts3d-sampler requires libglfw.so.2.6 BN> taoframework-glfw requires libglfw = 2.6-6.fc15
hosts3d can't be in after one of the dependencies is kicked out. no one will take care of libglfw, so hosts3d should be kicked too.
Hm, a bad thing has happened during my vacation, I haven't noticed my package cdrdao/gcdmaster is in the list and now I have a FTBFS problem.
So I can take these packages if it's not too late yet:
libgnomeuimm26 libgnomemm26 gnome-vfsmm26
Is it possible to unblock these packages somehow easily (since they're deprecated only a few days) or do I have to follow the guidelines on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Orphaned_package_that_need_new_maintainers ?
On 07/20/2011 09:28 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan Ajaxterm Orphan CodeAnalyst-gui Orphan EmfEngine Orphan Miro comaintained by: salimma alexlan Orphan QTeXEngine Orphan TVAnytimeAPI Orphan agave Orphan anyterm Orphan automake15 Orphan automake16 Orphan basket Orphan bespin comaintained by: rdieter Orphan blokkal Orphan brandy Orphan buffer Orphan camcardsync Orphan cdo Orphan cgoban Orphan ciso Orphan clex Orphan cmospwd Orphan cnetworkmanager Orphan comoonics-base-py comaintained by: elcody02 Orphan compizconfig-backend-kconfig comaintained by: izhar Orphan cowbell Orphan cssed Orphan ctapi-cyberjack Orphan ctrlproxy comaintained by: bernie Orphan cwrite Orphan db4o Orphan decibel-audio-player comaintained by: rakesh Orphan diffpdf Orphan ds9 comaintained by: mmahut Orphan e_dbus Orphan edje Orphan efreet Orphan embryo Orphan enlightenment Orphan epeg Orphan evolution-sharp comaintained by: mbarnes Orphan fig2sxd Orphan fsvs comaintained by: wolfy Orphan funtools Orphan gbirthday Orphan gdeskcal Orphan glite-security-trustmanager Orphan glite-security-util-java Orphan gnome-applet-bubblemon comaintained by: cwickert Orphan gnome-applet-cpufire comaintained by: edwintb Orphan gnome-applet-timer Orphan gnome-applet-window-picker Orphan gnome-globalmenu Orphan gnome-launch-box Orphan gnome-netstatus Orphan gnome-schedule Orphan gnome-themes-extras Orphan gnome-vfsmm26 Orphan gnubiff Orphan gnusim8085 comaintained by: chitlesh Orphan gpar2 Orphan gquilt comaintained by: sundaram Orphan granule Orphan griv Orphan gtkhtml2 Orphan gtranslator comaintained by: tbzatek Orphan guile-gnome-platform Orphan gurlchecker Orphan gwaei Orphan gwave comaintained by: tnorth Orphan halibut Orphan harminv Orphan healpy Orphan idesk Orphan igraph Orphan imgtarget Orphan initng Orphan initng-conf-gtk Orphan initng-ifiles Orphan inotail Orphan itpp Orphan jcalendar Orphan kdetv Orphan kdocker Orphan kgtk Orphan klibido Orphan knutclient Orphan l2fprod-common Orphan labyrinth Orphan libassa Orphan libassuan1 Orphan libepc Orphan libglfw Orphan libgnomemm26 Orphan libgnomeuimm26 Orphan libhildon Orphan liblicense comaintained by: ausil Orphan libopensync-plugin-kdepim Orphan liborigin2 Orphan libsoup22 Orphan libsysactivity Orphan libvisual-plugins Orphan link-grammar Orphan linuxdcpp Orphan loudmouth comaintained by: tjikkun otaylor Orphan lwp comaintained by: nhorman Orphan madwimax Orphan maximus Orphan metacafe-dl Orphan mingw32-physfs comaintained by: rjones Orphan mod_auth_mysql Orphan mod_auth_pgsql Orphan mod_authz_ldap Orphan moin-latex Orphan monotorrent comaintained by: dnielsen Orphan moto4lin Orphan mrepo Orphan multiget Orphan mumbles Orphan nabi Orphan nachocalendar Orphan notecase Orphan ocfs2-tools comaintained by: fabbione Orphan onboard Orphan opensaml Orphan osiv Orphan ots Orphan pcmanx-gtk2 Orphan pgRouting Orphan phoronix-test-suite Orphan php-suhosin Orphan picocom comaintained by: kevin Orphan picturetile Orphan pigment Orphan postgresql-pgpool-ha Orphan presto Orphan procbench Orphan proxychains Orphan pyorbit Orphan python-Chaco Orphan python-Enable Orphan python-TraitsBackendWX Orphan python-mechanoid Orphan python-rabbyt Orphan python-tilecache Orphan pyxmms Orphan qgo Orphan qps Orphan qtiplot Orphan qwit Orphan ranpwd Orphan rinputd Orphan rpc2 comaintained by: nhorman Orphan ruby-bdb Orphan rubygem-cobbler Orphan rubygem-rcov Orphan rubyripper Orphan rvm comaintained by: nhorman Orphan scantailor Orphan scidavis Orphan scribes Orphan scribes-templates Orphan scrip Orphan secstate Orphan seedit Orphan sentinella Orphan slim comaintained by: pertusus Orphan smb4k Orphan ss5 comaintained by: itamarjp Orphan starlab comaintained by: mmahut Orphan straw Orphan struts Orphan subtitlecomposer Orphan sunbird comaintained by: huzaifas mmahut Orphan sx Orphan tenr-de-styles-pkg Orphan tilda comaintained by: laxathom Orphan tinycdb Orphan tla comaintained by: jzeleny Orphan tokyotyrant comaintained by: deji Orphan torium Orphan viaideinfo Orphan vidalia Orphan vor Orphan wcstools comaintained by: mmahut Orphan whowatch Orphan wifiroamd Orphan xdx Orphan xine-ui Orphan xinha Orphan xmltooling Orphan xmms-alarm Orphan xmms-modplug Orphan xpa Orphan xqf Orphan xqilla Orphan xsri Orphan xtvd Orphan xvkbd
List of deps left behind by orphan removal:
Orphan: anyterm ovirt-node requires anyterm = 1.1.29-9.fc15
Orphan: automake16 sinjdoc requires automake16 = 1.6.3-18.fc13.1
Orphan: comoonics-base-py comoonics-cdsl-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5 comoonics-cluster-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5
Orphan: evolution-sharp tasque requires evolution-sharp = 0.21.1-14.fc16 tasque requires evolution-sharp-devel = 0.21.1-14.fc16 tasque requires mono(evolution-sharp) =
Orphan: gnome-vfsmm26 assogiate requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1 assogiate requires gnome-vfsmm26-devel = 2.26.0-2.fc15 gcdmaster requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1 referencer requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
Orphan: gtkhtml2 claws-mail-plugins requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gimp requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gnome-python2-extras requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires gtkhtml2 = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gphpedit requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gphpedit requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 gyachi requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 gyachi requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 osmo requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0 osmo requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 ruby-gnome2 requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15 ruby-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
Orphan: gwave emacs-spice-mode requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13 gspiceui requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13
Orphan: halibut putty requires halibut = 1.0-2.20100504svn8934.fc14
Orphan: igraph python-igraph requires igraph-devel = 0.5.4-3.fc15 python-igraph requires libigraph.so.0
Orphan: libepc glom requires libepc-1.0.so.2 glom requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15 glom-libs requires libepc-1.0.so.2 totem requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15 totem-publish requires libepc-1.0.so.2 totem-publish requires libepc-ui-1.0.so.2
Orphan: libglfw hosts3d requires libglfw.so.2.6 hosts3d requires libglfw-devel = 2.6-6.fc15 hosts3d-sampler requires libglfw.so.2.6 taoframework-glfw requires libglfw = 2.6-6.fc15
Orphan: libgnomemm26 gcdmaster requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1 me-tv requires libgnomemm26-devel = 2.28.0-2 referencer requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1
Orphan: libgnomeuimm26 cdrdao requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15 gcdmaster requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1 me-tv requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15 referencer requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1 referencer requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15
Orphan: libsoup22 buoh requires libsoup-2.2.so.8 buoh requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15 libopensync-plugin-syncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15 libsyncml requires libsoup-2.2.so.8 libsyncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15
Orphan: link-grammar abiword requires link-grammar-devel = 4.6.7-3.fc14 libabiword requires liblink-grammar.so.4 libabiword requires link-grammar = 4.6.7-3.fc14
Orphan: loudmouth abiword requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 amarok requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 amarok requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 callweaver requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 callweaver-jabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 freetalk requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 freetalk requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 irssi-xmpp requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth = 1.4.3-8.fc15 libabiword requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 mcabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0 mcabber requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15 mcabber-devel requires pkgconfig(loudmouth-1.0) = 1.4.3
Orphan: lwp coda requires lwp-devel = 2.6-2.fc15 coda-backup requires liblwp.so.2 coda-client requires liblwp.so.2 coda-server requires liblwp.so.2
Orphan: monotorrent monsoon requires monotorrent-devel = 0.80-5.fc15
Orphan: ots abiword requires ots-devel = 0.5.0-4.fc15 libabiword requires libots-1.so.0
Orphan: pigment pigment-python requires libpigment-imaging-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires pigment-devel = 0.3.17-3.fc12 pigment-python requires libpigment-gtk-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires libpigment-0.3.so.11 pigment-python requires pigment = 0.3.17-3.fc12
Orphan: pyorbit at-spi-python requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gdesklets requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gnome-python2 requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15 gnome-python2-bonobo requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15 orca requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15
Orphan: rpc2 coda requires rpc2-devel = 2.10-2.fc15 coda-backup requires libse.so.5 coda-backup requires librpc2.so.5 coda-client requires libse.so.5 coda-client requires librpc2.so.5 coda-server requires libse.so.5 coda-server requires librpc2.so.5
Orphan: rubygem-cobbler ovirt-server requires rubygem(cobbler) = 1.6.1
Orphan: rubygem-rcov rubygem-amazon-ec2 requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8 rubygem-rake-compiler requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8 rubygem-xmpp4r-simple requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8
Orphan: rvm coda requires rvm-devel = 1.17-3.fc15 coda requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15 coda-client requires librvmlwp.so.1 coda-client requires librdslwp.so.1 coda-client requires libseglwp.so.1 coda-server requires librvmlwp.so.1 coda-server requires librdslwp.so.1 coda-server requires libseglwp.so.1 coda-server requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15
Orphan: struts tomcat5 requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16 tomcat5-admin-webapps requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16 xdoclet requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16
Orphan: sunbird mozilla-firetray-sunbird requires sunbird = 1.0-0.33.b2pre.fc15
Orphan: tinycdb contextkit requires tinycdb-devel = 0.77-3.fc15 contextkit requires libcdb.so.1
Orphan: tla git-arch requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 perl-Test-AutoBuild requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 perl-Test-AutoBuild-tla requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12 python-vcpx requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12
Orphan: xine-ui me-tv requires xine-ui = 0.99.6-26.fc15
Orphan: xqilla qpid-cpp requires xqilla-devel = 2.2.4-1.fc16 qpid-cpp-server-xml requires xqilla = 2.2.4-1.fc16 qpid-cpp-server-xml requires libxqilla.so.5
The script that generated this page can be found at https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/browser/scripts/find-unblocked-orphans.py There you can also report bugs and RFEs.
Honza Horak (hhorak@redhat.com) said:
Hm, a bad thing has happened during my vacation, I haven't noticed my package cdrdao/gcdmaster is in the list and now I have a FTBFS problem.
So I can take these packages if it's not too late yet:
libgnomeuimm26 libgnomemm26 gnome-vfsmm26
Is it possible to unblock these packages somehow easily (since they're deprecated only a few days) or do I have to follow the guidelines on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Orphaned_package_that_need_new_maintainers ?
I would prefer the process be followed if at all possible.
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan gnusim8085 comaintained by: chitlesh
Orphan gwave comaintained by: tnorth
Hello there,
I wish to take ownership of gnusim8085 and gwave. Can you please grant me the "Take Ownership" for the respective devel branch ?
thank you, Chitlesh
Hello there,
It seems that guile-gnome-platform should be unblocked as well.
thank you Chitlesh
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 7:39 PM, Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh.goorah@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Bill Nottingham notting@redhat.com wrote:
Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages. It's that time again for Fedora 16.
New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have failed to build since before Fedora 14.
The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
Orphan gnusim8085 comaintained by: chitlesh
Orphan gwave comaintained by: tnorth
Hello there,
I wish to take ownership of gnusim8085 and gwave. Can you please grant me the "Take Ownership" for the respective devel branch ?
thank you, Chitlesh
On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 10:18:48PM +0200, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
Hello there,
It seems that guile-gnome-platform should be unblocked as well.
Hello there,
I wish to take ownership of gnusim8085 and gwave. Can you please grant me the "Take Ownership" for the respective devel branch ?
Hey Chitlesh,
These have already been retired. According to the policy that FESCo updated just prior to their approving the retiring of these packages, once retired, packages need a re-review in order to be brought back into Fedora.