Thanks for all the feedback from the previous thread. I have inserted
what i thought was best and cleaned things up a bit.
* I have left the man section in tact. Man I feel is still the majority
method of choice over info.
* Completed the introduction and the missing paragraphs at the beginning
of chapter 2.
I feel the doc is now complete through chapter 3 but would gladly be
shown the errors of my ways :)
My working index is located at
The guide is located at
I am certainly not a world class writer nor or even a particularly good one and in that spirit i gladly accept any and all continued feedback on this. I am also curious about the eventual inclusion of the help guide into the docs project upon its completion.
0 1 0 Aaron M Matteson - 0xD144B7FF
0 0 1 CCNA - A+
1 1 1 Windows/Linux C++/C# Developer
The engineer in neither optimist nor pessimist. He sees the proverbial
half-full/empty glass and says, "The glass is twice as big as there is
and need for it to be."
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