Hey all, My self introduction:
Name: Neil Horman
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA.
Profession: Software Engineer
Company: Red Hat
Goals: I'm planning on packaging utilities that are currently rather lacking in
documentation (specifically git, cogito, etc). My current goal is to provide
documentation as I build/release the pacakaged utilities. No good tool is
complete without docs, right? I'd offer to help out with proofreading other
documentation, but I really don't think anyone wants me doing that :)
Historical Qualifications: I've been contributing to the Linux kernel and
several open source projects (cscope, sctp, nfs, etc) for a year or so now, and
publically active on thier requisite mailing lists for a few years. I've not
had alot of docs experience, but I figure I'm going to try to build that up as I
push more packages out to extras in the future.
GPG key:
pub 1024D/92A74FA1 2003-08-28 Neil Horman (my gmail address)
Key fingerprint = 00BE 52A6 EB8E 979F 117E 101D 33E6 C4A1 92A7 4FA1
uid Neil Horman <nhorman(a)redhat.com>
sub 2048g/C6D2F3B3 2003-08-28
*Neil Horman
*Software Engineer
*Red Hat, Inc.
*gpg keyid: 1024D / 0x92A74FA1