Steven Pierce
Huntington Beach USA (Pacific Time Zone)
Currently working for the Dept. Of homeland Security (TSA) Also have a
second job doing consulting for a small company here in Huntington Beach
See above
Your goals in the Fedora Project
What do you want to write about?
I am very open to this topic. I am trying to learn more about
linux. I am currently in the process of trying to
set up a web, mail, dns server so that I can expand my skill
What other documentation do you want to see published?
None currently, but I have done a couple of FAQ for my employers
(Past / Present)
Do you want to edit for grammar/writing and/or technical
I would be open to either. grammer / writing is how I
discovered the project
Thanx to Paul Fields.
Anything else special?
Historical qualifications
What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
I have done a master's thesis and a couple FAQ's.
What level and type of computer skills do you have?
I am not a novice, but I am not guru either. I put my skills in
the more
advanced level. I can set up most types of machine, I have
built my own
machines. I have set up a couple of servers with RH 9.
What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User
interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills),
I have a fair amount of people skills, I have done tech support
for a long time. I am currently learning more about
HTML / CSS. I am hoping to take a couple java script classes in
the future.
What makes you an excellent match for the project?
My willingness to learn.