Hey all,
I changed to a new title since I want to flesh out some content that
needs to be done in order to complete the DuG. I'm hoping that I can
get some work done this week. I think in two weeks it should be ready
since next week I'll be on holidays at home on my own :-)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1. About this document
2. Desktops - Description of Gnome and Kde (could add XFCE)
3. Logging into the Desktop
1. Logging in
2. Loggin in: An Explanation
3. I cannot login: Help!
4. Tour of the GNOME Desktop - Associate things relating to gnome.
Trash, icons etc.
5. Tour of the KDE Desktop - Kicker minimal icons?
6. Tour of the Xfce Desktop -
1. XFCE desktop panel
2. Xfce Window list Panel
7. Using Media
1. Understanding
2. Exploring Media
3. Writing CD's
4. Using Nautilus in Gnome
5. Using K3b in KDE
6. Using Gnomebaker in Gnome
8. Connecting to Internet
1. Configuring Internet access
2. Configuring PPPoE
3. DHCP Connection
4. Static IP
5. Wireless
6. VPN
7. Network Manager
9. Accessing the Web
1. Using firefox
2. Navigating the web
3. Tabs
4. Exentions
5. Going further
10. Communications (Email, IM)
1. Evolution
1. Using Evolution
2. Pidgin
1. Configuring Pidgin
2. Using Pidgin
11. Office Tools
1. Openoffice description then a reference to a website
12. Financial Software
1. Gnucash
2. Kmymoney
13. Playing Multimedia (Music & Video)
1. Playing audio cd's
1. Converting audio cd's to music files
2. Organizing your multimedia files
1. playing videos
3. Fedora's approach to multimedia support
4. Further Info
14. Playing Games
1. Brief description of default games
15. Managing Photos
1. Connecting your Camera
2. Organizing and Importing Photos
1. Selecting a Filing Method
2. Categorizing your photos
16. Sharing Your Desktop
17. Customizing the Desktop
1. Changing your theme
2. Changing the background
3. Customizing file browsing behavior
18. Managing Software With Pirut
1. Browse Software
2. Dependancies
3. Search Software
4. List Software
19. Updating Software With Pup
1. Update Notification
2. The package updater
I'm going to reply to my own post so I don't muddy the original purpose
of this thread.