We some ambassadors are setting up another website for fedora (will be
http://{bbs,wiki,news}.fedora-zh.org ). Current copyright and licese
* any contents belong to its author
* on bbs any original contents must be licensed under OPL + CC(by-sa)
* on news any original contents must be licensed under CC(by-sa)
* on wiki all contents are in public domain
What I want to know is:
* should we ask the authors to assign copyright ownership to our
organization? but we do not have an organization yet, and we don't
have the effort of setting up a CLA (!) system.
* the reason to use OPL is that I hope some content can be transfered
to fedoraproject wiki without asking for more permission. Is it
possible if we do not own those contents?
* the reason to use CC(by-sa) is that the license is so popular. It
seems fedoraproject suggests some contents to be CC-ed (artwork,
videos) except for documents, why?
* is there any conflict in our requirement that contents are licensed
in both OPL and CC(by-sa)?
* any other problems do you think?
bbbush ^_^