Hi all,
This morning I was thinking about flyers to give away during events. So
far if an ambassador need flyers [1] she/he have to made those by
You guys have a lot of skills and I think that you can ease this process
by providing the framework to create them through DocBook. My dream is
to have a flyer in different language (translated with help of the
Fedora L10N teams and transifex) which can easily generate by the
community or download from somewhere in the wished language. No pain
about legal stuff, all links are current, no worries about the logo.
Just generate/download it, print it (at home, at your office, or at a
print shop), and you are ready to go :-)
I think that during the first steps Doc is the most important part. Of
course only if you think that it be valuable to work on such a mini
project. Later there have to be a collaboration with Marketing,
Ambassadors, Artwork, and Legal I guess.
Kind regards,
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Flyer
I'm probably missing the meeting today, going to be without a 'Net
connection until >2000 UTC.
Agenda is updated and summary from last week are available, if y'all
want to continue on without me. :)
Karsten Wade, Sr. Developer Community Mgr.
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
gpg key : AD0E0C41
<jmbuser> <meeting>
<jmbuser> I will chair the meeting in quaid's absence
<jmbuser> Roll Call
<jmbuser> JohnBabich
<Sparks> EricChristensen
<jmbuser> Anyone else?
* tw2113 has his desktop screenshot up on the site
<jmbuser> Agenda is at
* jmbuser thinks this will be a short meeting
* Sparks agrees
<jmbuser> First agenda item: Installation Guide -- all hands on deck
<jmbuser> Anything to report?
* glezos is here as well, sort of.
<glezos> anything around translations, just yell.
<stickster> "All hands on deck" means we need everyone with some free
time to work on it
<stickster> The doc is in CVS, and I've done some work on it lately,
but not as much as I'd like to.
<stickster> Unfortunately, my free time for Docs is not what it used to be.
<stickster> There are two documents that, if you ask me, are
immediately EPIC FAIL if they're not ready for release.
<Sparks> Do we have a link to this doc?
<stickster> 1. Release Notes
<stickster> 2. Installation Guide
<stickster> Sparks: it's in CVS.
* Sparks is a little shady on the CVS stuff still.
* ftales (i=ftales(a)tepee.us) has joined #fedora-meeting
<stickster> We really should have everyone get knowledgeable about CVS.
<stickster> It's quite easy to learn
* Sparks agrees.
<stickster> mdious was up and working on it after just a couple of
hours of hanging out here.
<Sparks> I was inspired by quaid's message.
<stickster> Working with any sort of team pretty much requires some
sort of source code management system
<stickster> There are two that are worthwhile to learn in Fedora,
IYAM: CVS and git.
<stickster> CVS is the "old fogey," still in use all over the place
<stickster> git is the "new hotness," and is infinitely more powerful
but also a little harder to understand.
<stickster> What needs to happen is:
<stickster> 1. People need to find either a virtual guest machine or a
real box, and have it in a setup where they can run the installation
<stickster> 2. Compare the installation to the IG's contents
<stickster> 3. Revise the IG to match reality.
<stickster> (including documenting new features where found, removing
things that are gone, and fixing that which is erroneous)
<jmbuser> stickster: What time frame are we talking - 1 week, 2 weeks?
<stickster> The release of F9 is May 13
<stickster> We need to have at least the en_US version ready by then
<stickster> We've already got a real problem on our hands because we
have no way to get translations ready by then
<jmbuser> Release notes are not ready?
<stickster> *chirp chirp*
<stickster> jmbuser: Installation Guide.
<stickster> The release notes are in great shape.
* couf joins in
* jmbuser relaxes slightly
<stickster> jmbuser: Don't relax yet, a crummy IG is also an EPIC FAIL, AFAIC.
<Sparks> stickster: Someone on the mktg list noted a Release Note file
that had not been touched since Nov 07 which said something about F9.
<stickster> Sparks: That's a wiki page, not a release note.
<stickster> It's a stub on the wiki intended to be used for (yet
another) summary
<Sparks> stickster: Okay, just wanted to make sure.
<stickster> OK, I'm done with what I have.
<stickster> I would really like it if people would help with this very
important doc, since our previous help deserted us.
<stickster> btw, the Release Notes, as I mentioned, are in GREAT shape.
<stickster> We have 11 fully finished translations and probably a few
more by the date of release.
<stickster> We will need to get them published, which I'm hoping couf
will help with
<stickster> We can publish the day before and then just 'cvs tag -F
LIVE' right before the official releas.
<stickster> *release.
<couf> yep, I'll be available to do some publishing
<stickster> couf: ROCK ON
* mbonnet has quit ("Ex-Chat")
* sereinity (n=sereinit(a)mon69-3-82-235-39-70.fbx.proxad.net) has
joined #fedora-meeting
<jmbuser> I will try my best to get the latest F9 image and follow the
steps outlined above for the IG
<stickster> jmbuser: Either Rawhide or the Preview release should suffice
<stickster> There shouldn't be any anaconda feature changes after
that, just bug fixes
<stickster> Is anyone else going to step up to help?
* wolfy (n=lonewolf@fedora/wolfy) has joined #fedora-meeting
<jmbuser> stickster: Thanks, I'll go for the Preview release
<stickster> You can see where I've done work already by looking at the
fedora-docs-commits archives:
<stickster> http://redhat.com/archives/fedora-docs-commits
<stickster> But that's not a blocker
<stickster> Fix wherever you see prolems
<stickster> *problems
<stickster> (and try to type better than I do) :-D
<couf> heh :)
* jmbuser has no room to criticize anybody's typing skills
<stickster> jmbuser: What's next on the agenda?
<jmbuser> Agenda Item 2: UG -- needs final touches and "wordsmithing" F9 / F8
* stickster pokes Mr. Vice Chair ;-)
<jmbuser> See note about typing skills above :-)
<jmbuser> F9 is the obvious priority, but only after IG is done
<couf> this is actually some wiki editing, it's in User_Guide/ on the wiki
<jmbuser> couf: good - that should help
<couf> the F9 version that is
<jmbuser> I'll give that another review
<couf> imo, and this is from a very fast read, it's really small stuff
that needs to be done
<couf> we should get this ready for XML conversion asap
<jmbuser> Better 95% ready than 0% published
<jmbuser> The perfect is the enemy of the good
<jmbuser> Agenda Item 3: SMG Needs feedback on conversion from CVS to
DocBook, as well as some "wordsmithing"
<Sparks> I thought the SMG has been "approved"
<couf> hmm yeah, I was under that impression as well
<Sparks> jsmith was doing the conversions a few months ago
* mikem23 (n=nnnniiim@nat/redhat/x-a7cfc8735583df25) has joined #fedora-meeting
<jmbuser> According to last week's minutes...
<couf> yep, I checked his work in CVS last week, and it was all good
* kital has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
<jmbuser> No more to do on PackageKit?
* glezos is now known as glezos_afk
<Sparks> I asked two people to work on that. I don't know if any work
has been done on it.
<jmbuser> Can we go with what we have now?
<Sparks> Is PackageKit the default GUI update interface in F9?
<Sparks> The SMG is ready minus PackageKit
* wolfy (n=lonewolf@fedora/wolfy) has left #fedora-meeting ("When I
read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.")
<couf> Sparks: +1
* jmbuser is checking on PackageKit
<Sparks> We need to document PackageKit but I wouldn't hold up the SMG
because of it.
<jmbuser> feature quote: "Note that PackageKit is not quite ready to
replace pup and pirut, but its design does address some issues with
Fedora's current package manager, and the active upstream development
is also a hopeful sign."
<jmbuser> Sounds like it's still optional, but the up-and-coming thing
<stickster> Sparks: Yes, PK is the default.
<stickster> And since I'm running Rawhide, I disagree that it's not
quite ready :-)
* bpepple|lt (n=bpepple|(a)adsl-69-214-168-157.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net)
has joined #fedora-meeting
* stickster encourages all Fedora contributors to hop into using
Rawhide at least by the time of Preview Release
<stickster> Help kill bugs dead!
<jmbuser> I guess the feature wiki page needs updating
* Sparks is having problems with anaconda and thus isn't usign F9 yet
* juank_ (n=juanky(a) has joined #fedora-meeting
<jmbuser> Moving on...
* bashohII has quit ("夢よりも現の鷹ぞ頼もしき")
<jmbuser> Agenda Item 4: Security Guide -- F9 draft coming (rero)
<jmbuser> Should we be concerned with this before F9 release?
<stickster> Sparks: You can probably do this just by turning on
development repos and doing a 'yum upgrade'. Common gotchas apply.
<Sparks> Did I hear my name?
<Sparks> stickster: Hmmm...
<Sparks> jmbuser: The portion of the Security Guide that needed to get
out is out.
<Sparks> However, it looks... rough... just sitting there by itself.
I have made available chapters 1-3 for review.
<Sparks> We (a couple of security gurus and myself) went over them
today and cleaned them up.
<Sparks> Just waiting for the blessing to move them to the non-Draft
side of the wiki.
<Sparks> At which time I'm going to try to get them into DocBook format.
<couf> Sparks: location?
<Sparks> couf: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Drafts/CryptoGuide
<stickster> By the way everyone, with respect to working on the IG:
<stickster> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/2008-April/msg00023.h…
<Sparks> When you look at the TOC on that page... 4.1 is what is released.
<stickster> CVS will be down from 1400-1900 UTC on Saturday.
<couf> ah, could we move it out of the Drafts section into something
like /Security_Guide/F9
<jmbuser> Stickster: Thanks for the heads up
<Sparks> couf: That is actually where the final pages go.
<couf> which would make it not a real draft, but as it's on the wiki,
it should be thought of as a draft
<Sparks> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Guide/9 is the "final" location
<couf> correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't everything wiki-wise
assumed to be draft?
<Sparks> As soon as I get some of the other chapters ready then I'm
going to dress it up more.
<couf> and we choose DocBook as final
<Sparks> couf: I think so, however since development started in the
wiki and there were a lot of changes being made I was doing a DRAFT
and a Final Draft type of separation.
<couf> ah, sure :)
* couf got all confused there
* Sparks is always confused
<jmbuser> How about considering the "final draft" staging for the
DocBook final version?
<Sparks> I plan on starting the DocBook process soon.
<Sparks> jmbuser: yes
<jmbuser> Any other comments on the SMG?
<jmbuser> err, the Security Guide?
* jmbuser is confused too
<jmbuser> Any other business (AOB)?
<couf> well I just raised my hand in the websites meeting to be POC for Docs
<jmbuser> Excellent choice
<jmbuser> If nothing else, let's whip the F9 IG and other vital docs
into shape in time for the F9 final release
<jmbuser> Shall we close the meeting?
<couf> +1
<Sparks> +1
<jmbuser> 5
<jmbuser> 4
<jmbuser> 3
<jmbuser> 2
<jmbuser> Thanks guys
<jmbuser> 1
<jmbuser> </meeting>