Name: Andrei
Location: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Login: redandrei
Language: Russian, English
Profession or Student status: freelancer
About You: fedora linux user.
You and the Fedora Project: fedora linux wiki translating. fedora linux
Now I translate into Russian the official documentation fedora linux fedora
in zanata and Fedora Project wiki pages.
I'm interested in computer and an advanced user of windows and more
advanced of fedora Linux.
I also interested in programming languages like php and python. I'm also
interested in creating characters in Maya autodesk.
I want to make accessible and attractive information on fedora linux.
demonstrate that start using fedora Linux simple and easy, and most
importantly, useful to the user. to acquaint users with free software. and
I hope that my work for the dissemination of fedora Linux and free software
will lead to the fact that some of its users become productive contributors.
gpg --fingerprint BE2505B2
pub 2048R/BE2505B2 2015-11-10
Key fingerprint = 7387 44A8 A338 1EB5 38A6 889C E303 7BC9 BE25 05B2
uid Andrei Fediukov <user15092011(a)>
sub 2048R/89428F17 2015-11-10
I'm interested in the translation of documentation fedora linux fedora and
project wiki. I'm also ready to participate in any work that could be
helpful in the promotion of Linux fedora.