On 12/16/2011 06:52 PM, Joshua Wulf wrote:
On 10/11/2011 02:04 AM, Martin Prpic wrote:
On 08/02/2011 07:37 AM, Noriko Mizumoto wrote:
Hi Docs team
Japanese team is looking at to translate the above guides. I can not locate Resource Manage Guide in Transifex. Can you point where to find?
Noriko, the RMG is available in Transifex now:
Cheers, Martin
Martin, any particular reason this isn't in Zanata [1]?
- Josh
[1] translate.zanata.org
I ask because we're looking for beta testers for Zanata, and if you, or any other authors could help us out by testing the platform that would be great.
Translate.zanata.org is a free hosted instance of Zanata [2], the open source web-based translation management platform. To shamelessly crib Mark Shuttleworth: "Zanata still is and always will be free to use, share and develop".
[2] www.zanata.org