Start End Name Tue 24-Aug Wed 01-Sep Write Unclaimed Wiki Beats Tue 24-Aug Tue 07-Sep Test master branches of guides against Alpha and correct Wed 01-Sep Wed 01-Sep Remind Translation: Beta Rel Notes POT Coming Thu 02-Sep Thu 02-Sep Remind announce-list & f-devel-announce: Wiki Freeze Thu 02-Sep Thu 02-Sep Start nightly POT files all fed-rel-notes.rpm content Thu 02-Sep Tue 07-Sep Port Wiki to Publican Thu 02-Sep Tue 21-Sep Generate nightly POT files all fed-rel-notes.rpm content Fri 03-Sep Fri 03-Sep Reminder to Trans that new POT files are coming for all guides Mon 06-Sep Mon 06-Sep Wiki Freeze: Beta Release Notes Mon 06-Sep Mon 13-Sep Ongoing build translation review htmls Tue 07-Sep Tue 07-Sep Notify trans that new Guide POT files available Tue 07-Sep Tue 07-Sep Create POT files for All Guides Tue 07-Sep Tue 07-Sep Notify announce-list and f-devel-list draft guides available Tue 07-Sep Tue 07-Sep Translate All Guides (POT to PO) Tue 07-Sep Tue 07-Sep Publish draft guides Tue 07-Sep Tue 07-Sep Branch Guides Mon 13-Sep Mon 13-Sep Translation Deadline: Beta Release Notes (PO Files complete) Mon 13-Sep Wed 15-Sep Build f-r-n.rpm and Push to updates-candidate Tue 14-Sep Tue 14-Sep Reminder to Trans that Final Guides POT files are coming Tue 14-Sep Tue 14-Sep Features 100% Complete Deadline Tue 14-Sep Tue 14-Sep Beta Change Deadline
Have you found something that is working really well in your schedule? Or maybe you've found something you believe would work better in the future?
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