Hello all!
My name is Justin Mitchell and I'm interested in helping with the Fedora Docs project. I made the permanent switch back to Fedora and open source software at the begin of this year after having Vista eat my computer and using a variety of open source tools to recover data and do my job that closed source tools couldn't do. By day I'm a security engineer, using Fedora in a Windows environment and just had to have tools that are reliable. I admit I still use XP running in VMware, but that is more for Visio than anything else.
This is the first time I have ever joined an open source project in any way at all. Usually, I'd just download my software, use it and not give back. I figure it's time to change things and start contributing to a product I love and recommend to others.
What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past? This is my first project I have contributed to officially. I have created documentation for end-users at my job as a systems administrator.
What level and type of computer skills do you have? I'm pretty much a power user (or at least like to think of myself as one). I run fedora 9 as my primary desktop and use it to manage a Windows-based server enivronment and Cisco equipment. I have my MCSA Messenging 2003 and my CCSP. I love new challenges and sharing my knowledge with others.
What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills), programming, etc. I have a lot of experience supporting end-users and explaining things in a way that makes it easy for non-technical people to understand.
I've studied graphic design, and have experience with most professional tools.
What makes you an excellent match for the project? At this point I have been using open source software on and off since Red Hat 5 and am eager to start giving back to the community that has created such a wonderful product and help others just starting out with it.
pub 1024D/3C989C7A 2008-05-29 Key fingerprint = 743B 1E97 BDBF 4912 897B 8AD9 C101 316F 3C98 9C7A uid Justin Grahm Mitchell uid [jpeg image of size 3621] sub 2048g/2B5B0D69 2008-05-29