On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 08:26, Dave Pawson wrote:
At 00:47 07/04/2004, Karsten Wade wrote:
The Fedora SELinux FAQ[1] is starting to get sizable, and messy without a list of questions at the top. I'm having trouble fixing this.
near the top.
<xsl:import href="DavePawsonsTOC.xsl"/>
Then, whereever you want the toc placed,
<xsl:call-template name="davePawsonsToc"/>
How's that sound?
Or you could use the docbook website xslt stylesheets, but I guess that smells of NIH?
Funny, they have just what you want Karsten!
I tried to figure this out, and couldn't understand what you mean. One reason is not having DavePawsonTOC.xsl ... did an attachment to the list get stripped?
Oh, I'm back to being a newbie again. :)
Anyway ... I resolved it this way.
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=122665 includes a simple two line patch to fedora-docs/xsl/main-html.xsl:
--- main-html.xsl 1 Oct 2003 19:02:56 -0000 1.2 +++ main-html.xsl 6 May 2004 18:52:51 -0000 @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ book toc article toc chapter nop +qandadiv toc +qandaset toc sect1 nop sect2 nop sect3 nop
Then I added this one line to my XML:
<qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" id="selinux-faq-list"> + <?dbhtml toc="1"?> <qandaentry>
This generated the TOC. It could be prettier, but it works for me for now.
cheers - Karsten