The Fedora SELinux FAQ[1] is starting to get sizable, and messy without a list of questions at the top. I'm having trouble fixing this.
Our default XSL stylesheets for HTML (xsl/main-html.xsl, xsl/html-common.xsl, and redhat.xsl) don't have a call to make the list of questions for a FAQ written with <qandaset>[2].
It seemed straightforward to call qandaset.xsl[3], just as other stylesheets are called in the Fedora docs XSL. I have had no success, in fact zero recognizable difference in the resulting document, with these efforts:
* Tried importing, then tried including qandaset.xsl into main-html.xsl, which is the main XSL called from the Makefile.
xsl:import="/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/qandaset.xsl"/ ... didn't work ... xsl:include="/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/qandaset.xsl"/ .... didn't work ...
* Under the heading <xsl:param name="generate.toc">, I tried adding "qanda toc" and "qandaset toc", underneath the "section nop" in both cases. No luck there. I didn't feel that this area of the XSL was related to the solution, but I tried it anyway.
Any ideas?
- Karsten
[3] /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/qandaset.xsl