Hi Mike,
I'm hoping to come in on Saturday and spend most of the day adding a few things. Are you doing all this on the docs/drafts wiki? Or are you doing it in docbook...I've just been adding content to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Drafts/AdministrationGuide
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub 1024D/81B3FDEB 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18] Key fingerprint = 4ED9 9907 5BF0 4132 2B46 20D1 C0C6 362D 81B3 FDEB Murray McAllister (Fedora Docs Project / mdious) < murray.mcallister@gmail.com> sub 2048g/B04CFA0C 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]