I've created a document detailing the install of clam antivirus for use with sendmail on FC1. It was suggested to me to perhaps see if it could be of use here.
If anyone is interested, the doc can be found at http://www.airride.net/linux/fedora+clamav-howto.html
Feel free to post a copy wherever you think it may help.
This is definitely worthwhile, and fits well into our charter. Are you looking for volunteers to wrangle this into the Fedora docs XML format? If there is going to be an XML version, I'll hold off on making my editor comments.
I'm working on the XML right now. Hope to have a first crack done by COB today... while I'm at it, do we have a specific tag to use instead of <command> for package names? (For package *file* names, obviously I'd use <filename>.)