I'll blame my lack of progress on being the new kid on the block. I am trying to checkout the existing Administration-guide project from cvs, and finding that there is only an empty shell of a project there as well as the administration-guide-devel project. Am I checking out the wrong project, or are we just starting this project? I have a chapter for Sendmail setup and configuration I would like to incorporate the chapters into the guide as well as other docs that I plan on updating for the following areas:
users and groups network dns dhcpd iptables nis ldap dovecot squirrelmail mailman apache vncserver squid vsftpd cups snmpd mrtg webalizer syslog systat amanda
Mike "Ditt" Dittmeier, RHCE mike@vegasitpros.com
pub 1024D/3F08ECFB 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10] Key fingerprint = 8396 9850 E308 4EFF 1A22 6C5A 4FF5 DF6C 3F08 ECFB uid Mike Dittmeier (Just "Ditt" to my friends) mike@vegasitpros.com sub 2048g/1E6E4DBD 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10]