FDSCo meeting 20 September 2005 irc.freenode.net, #fedora-docs
Canonical schedule and tasks:
Summary of Updates and New Tasks: =================================
* FDP continues to pursue a toolchain that is both 100% free and in line with what the upstream DocBook developers are using. Gavin is working with Tommy to find or create one or more suitable packages for a free toolchain and possibly entry into Fedora Extras. FDP has not received any significant positive feedback for helping with FOP issues to date.
* Gavin will draft contact letter to be emailed to each author currently listed on wiki, and will post a draft to the FDSCo list for discussion.
* Stuart is working with Patrick Barnes to come up with guidelines for wiki doc drafting. Discussion to take place on f-docs-l on guidelines for wiki markup.
** NOTE: Stuart and Patrick are often available on ** IRC at #fedora-wiki for authors to consult, or to ** discuss any other wiki issues.
* Stuart will work on conversion of new RPM Guide chapters from .SXW to DocBook XML, and post progress to the list, hopefully before he departs for FUDCON.
* Paul will pick up publishing of some docs to f.r.c, including republishing Developers Guide and other UTF-8 needy docs, and the mirror-tutorial.
* Paul will Bugzilla as RFE a change to f.r.c/css/print.css to make monospace text more readable.
Attending: ========== Karsten Wade (quaid) Tommy Reynolds (megacoder) Gavin Henry (G2) Stuart Ellis (elliss) Paul Frields (stickster)
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 17:54 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
FDSCo meeting 20 September 2005 irc.freenode.net, #fedora-docs
Thanks for filling in for me this week, and Paul will continue this for the next few weeks as I got on some needed vacation.
- FDP continues to pursue a toolchain that is both 100% free and in line
with what the upstream DocBook developers are using. Gavin is working with Tommy to find or create one or more suitable packages for a free toolchain and possibly entry into Fedora Extras. FDP has not received any significant positive feedback for helping with FOP issues to date.
In the meantime, Tommy is pursuing a holdover tool using dblatex[1]. We'll use this until a) we get our entirely free Java toolchain working, or b) the upstream DocBook maintainers take a different tack.
- Karsten