Hi, Guys, I have come across with one passage that is not clear of its intention. It is the part #: en_US/Fedora_Project.xml:56(para) Kbabel entry #722 as follows:
----------------------------------------------------------------- In order to talk on the <computeroutput>#fedora</computeroutput> channel, you need to register your nickname, or <firstterm>nick</firstterm>. Instructions are given when you <userinput>/join</userinput> the channel. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nick name should be prepared already before you use the Xchat to join any channel. And the instruction which appears when one joins #fedora is not explaining anything about nickname: See below
------------------------------------------------------------------ -ChanServ- [#fedora] "Any advice you read here is provided by individual community members. You should use it at your OWN RISK. This advice is owned by each individual, and does NOT represent the views of Freenode, Fedora or Red Hat" ------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't really want to translate as it says. Shouldn't it be re-written somehow ?
Thanks for your attention, James
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:00:48AM +1000, Kiyoto (James) Hashida wrote:
Hi, Guys, I have come across with one passage that is not clear of its intention. It is the part #: en_US/Fedora_Project.xml:56(para) Kbabel entry #722 as follows:
In order to talk on the <computeroutput>#fedora</computeroutput> channel, you need to register your nickname, or <firstterm>nick</firstterm>. Instructions are given when you <userinput>/join</userinput> the channel.
Nick name should be prepared already before you use the Xchat to join any channel. And the instruction which appears when one joins #fedora is not explaining anything about nickname: See below
This statement is now, I believe, no longer correct. Nicks no longer need to be registered to enter the #fedora channel, so we can eliminate this string completely. You can ignore the string, and we'll strip it from the original release notes content.
Paul, Thank you for your super-quick response. It is good to know that someone is checking. Cheers, James
Paul W. Frields さんは書きました:
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:00:48AM +1000, Kiyoto (James) Hashida wrote:
Hi, Guys, I have come across with one passage that is not clear of its intention. It is the part #: en_US/Fedora_Project.xml:56(para) Kbabel entry #722 as follows:
In order to talk on the <computeroutput>#fedora</computeroutput> channel, you need to register your nickname, or <firstterm>nick</firstterm>. Instructions are given when you <userinput>/join</userinput> the channel.
Nick name should be prepared already before you use the Xchat to join any channel. And the instruction which appears when one joins #fedora is not explaining anything about nickname: See below
This statement is now, I believe, no longer correct. Nicks no longer need to be registered to enter the #fedora channel, so we can eliminate this string completely. You can ignore the string, and we'll strip it from the original release notes content.
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