What is more important at this time?
Desktop User Guide Administration Guide
I am prepared to work on either of the groups, but would like to focus my time on the project the group feels would be more beneficial.
Mike "Ditt" Dittmeier, RHCE mike@vegasitpros.com
pub 1024D/3F08ECFB 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10] Key fingerprint = 8396 9850 E308 4EFF 1A22 6C5A 4FF5 DF6C 3F08 ECFB uid Mike Dittmeier (Just "Ditt" to my friends) mike@vegasitpros.com sub 2048g/1E6E4DBD 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10]
2007/10/29, Mike Dittmeier mike@vegasitpros.com:
What is more important at this time?
Desktop User Guide Administration Guide
I think Desktop User Guide is more important because it's focused on end users, that need more help and instructions than system administrators...
-- Davidson Paulo http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DavidsonPaulo
On 10/29/07, Davidson Rodrigues Paulo davidsonpaulo@gmail.com wrote:
2007/10/29, Mike Dittmeier mike@vegasitpros.com:
What is more important at this time?
Desktop User Guide Administration Guide
I think Desktop User Guide is more important because it's focused on end users, that need more help and instructions than system administrators...
As the lead writer of the Desktop User Guide, I definitely agree. :-)
Seriously, there are people actively working on the Administration Guide. The DUG could definitely use some more attention.
What section would you like to work on?
Any contribution you make would be appreciated.
Is the DUG outline useful or should I refine it a bit more?
If you have any questions, please let me know.
John Babich Volunteer, Fedora Docs Project
On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 19:14 +0300, John Babich wrote:
On 10/29/07, Davidson Rodrigues Paulo davidsonpaulo@gmail.com wrote:
2007/10/29, Mike Dittmeier mike@vegasitpros.com:
What is more important at this time?
Desktop User Guide Administration Guide
I think Desktop User Guide is more important because it's focused on end users, that need more help and instructions than system administrators...
As the lead writer of the Desktop User Guide, I definitely agree. :-)
We definitely want to have good coverage of sysadmin activities, it is a necessary reference for the Fedora User Guide. (Can't seem to get that new name to stick!) But the essential help for new users is more important.
Also, the UG is shorter and therefore easier to get to a publishable state.
- Karsten
On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 19:14 +0300, John Babich wrote:
On 10/29/07, Davidson Rodrigues Paulo davidsonpaulo@gmail.com wrote:
2007/10/29, Mike Dittmeier mike@vegasitpros.com:
What is more important at this time?
Desktop User Guide Administration Guide
I think Desktop User Guide is more important because it's focused on end users, that need more help and instructions than system administrators...
As the lead writer of the Desktop User Guide, I definitely agree. :-)
Seriously, there are people actively working on the Administration Guide. The DUG could definitely use some more attention.
What section would you like to work on?
Any contribution you make would be appreciated.
Is the DUG outline useful or should I refine it a bit more?
If you have any questions, please let me know.
John Babich Volunteer, Fedora Docs Project
Sorry for the delay in replay, work was... Work! I'll take a look at the docs in the am and see where I can start. I take it we can just start at one end and work our way through?
I did notice we have a quick start guide as well. Is the a plan to combine these? Seems to me it would be easier to maintain:
* Release notes * Install Guide * Fedora Users Guide * Fedora Administration Guide
Especially if we want to target for packaging in F9. To update and complete these guides will take a good chunk a dedication over the next 5 months to revise and complete before F9.
Sorry for (probably) over stating the obvious.
Mike "Ditt" Dittmeier, RHCE mike@vegasitpros.com
pub 1024D/3F08ECFB 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10] Key fingerprint = 8396 9850 E308 4EFF 1A22 6C5A 4FF5 DF6C 3F08 ECFB uid Mike Dittmeier (Just "Ditt" to my friends) mike@vegasitpros.com sub 2048g/1E6E4DBD 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10]