Attendees: ----------- Jared Smith (jsmith) Karsten Wade (quaid) Eric Christensen (Sparks)
Summary: ---------
* Installation Guide at risk - need additional help to get updates ready for l10n - IG writing team MIA, not sure if they have updates useful to merge?
* User Guide (UG) - finishing for F9, keep momentum going - F8 finish, has to be put behind IG work now
* Software Management Guide (SMG) - couf passed on the XML work, now we need to get that bad boy published - XML needs updating with PackageKit content - Action: sparks to do this
* Security Guide (SecG) - sparks has been working on it, post F9 draft target - more comprehensive coverage overall - F9 focusing on LUKS encryption outside of Anaconda - Action: sparks to get Ch. 1 - 3 out for review
* Administration Guide (AG) - post f9 release draft target
* Release Notes - Updating from the wiki - Then update PO/POT