On 04/16/2010 10:21 PM, Gerard Ryan wrote:
Good evening Documenters.
I'm Gerard Ryan. My IRC nick is Gearoid, and my fedora account nick is galileo. Here is why I am interested in becoming a fellow documenter.
--What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
I'm not 100% sure what is meant by 'projects' and 'writing' here. I don't think I have worked on any projects before, none are coming to mind that are worth mentioning. With regards to writing, I have Bachelor of Arts degree in two languages (French and Gaeilge), and that certainly required me to write!
--What level and type of computer skills do you have?
I consider myself to have quite good computer skills. Back before my enlightenment (about 4 years ago), I was 'the go-to guy' for my family and friends for all of their MS Windows problems. Since I started using linux, I began to enjoy my computing experience far more. In the past couple of years, I have only used MS Windows or Mac OSX if any of my family or friends needed help, so 99.9% of my usage has been with linux. At the moment, I do most of the server admin work for one of my friends, and I also have a server myself as a sort of personal playground. I use the shell when possible, and I try to automate stuff as much as I can with bash or python. My bash is functional but starting to go stale; and my python is decent and ever-improving. I can usually understand perl, but I have never taken the time to sit down and learn it.
--What other skills do you have that might be applicable?
I have people skills and teaching skills. I was raised in a small hotel, so dealing with people is something that comes naturally to me. At the moment, I am in my second year working as a language assistant in a secondary school. I help teach English to francophone teenagers.
--What makes you an excellent match for the project?
I have been using gnu/linux/FOSS for a few years now, so I feel it's about time I got off my lazy behind and started to do something for the community. I have been thinking about it for a few months now, but I didn't know what I could do. I don't have the confidence in my programming skills yet to try developing, I'm not very good with graphic design, so I wouldn't be very helpful in the artwork field. My command of the English language is something I have the utmost faith in, so I feel that the Documentation Project is where I could be most useful. Also, I have a craving for knowledge, and I know that I will learn a lot as a by-product of helping out. Unfortunately, I don't have a girlfriend at the moment, so I usually have lots of free time to spend online! :)
--GPG KEYID and fingerprint
[gr@xps ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 8DCE7BDB pub 2048R/8DCE7BDB 2010-04-08 [expires: 2015-04-07] Key fingerprint = 1264 5BD0 EE48 04C2 334D DAA7 F071 A4DE 8DCE 7BDB uid Gerard Ryan mail.gerardryan@gmail.com sub 2048R/D1A190D4 2010-04-08 [expires: 2015-04-07]
I'm now off to learn a bit about publican, and to familiarize myself with the writing style guide, etc. I think I should pick it up pretty quickly. If any of you could have recommendations as to where you think I could be useful, or if you would like me to proof-read or edit or give feedback on anything, please let me know! :)
Hi everyone,
I have revoked my old gpg key, so here are the details for my new one:
pub 4096R/44019963 2010-06-04 [expires: 2012-12-21] Key fingerprint = 94D0 062B ECF8 A954 A028 D8BB CF72 593F 4401 9963 uid Gerard Ryan mail.gerardryan@gmail.com sub 4096R/2F4A9ED7 2010-06-04 [expires: 2012-12-21]