My name is Oleg, I'm from Russia.
I'm the leader of small group of russian web programmers, so I'm specializing in Java, C++, PHP and other common languages and technologies. Also can draw 2D art using Photoshop or Gimp (depending on os and platform) and create pretty looking web pages.
I can not speak and write in English because I have no practice in it. But I understand this language and can read and translate technical documentation very well. It's because I read docs such as MSDN or unix mans all my life.
I want to translate english docs to russian, and help russian people to understand using of Fedora as a desktop OS. Btw, I just joined to Russian Fedora community (
wbr, Oleg Chiruhin, Russia, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk.
GPG: F8334007 Fingerprint: CBDC 4DF8 CCFD E5BA D543 EF3B A1E9 6090 F833 4007
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:46:40PM +0600, Hedin wrote:
My name is Oleg, I'm from Russia.
I'm the leader of small group of russian web programmers, so I'm specializing in Java, C++, PHP and other common languages and technologies. Also can draw 2D art using Photoshop or Gimp (depending on os and platform) and create pretty looking web pages.
I can not speak and write in English because I have no practice in it. But I understand this language and can read and translate technical documentation very well. It's because I read docs such as MSDN or unix mans all my life.
I want to translate english docs to russian, and help russian people to understand using of Fedora as a desktop OS. Btw, I just joined to Russian Fedora community (
Oleg, you might be interested also in joining our Fedora L10n (Translation) team. Their list is found here:
They specialize in translating documentation and software into many lanugages including (of course!) Russian.