The application of looking at how histones affect b Actions gary skeete 6:16 PM Keep this message at the top of your inbox To: Gary Skeete
The application of looking at how histones affect be cellular apoptosis revue the efficiency the frequency of apoptosis do the histone regulation the adaptation to inactivation methylation history regulation of the reversal effect of the process of a apoptosis due to histone regulation The effect of taking epi-genetics to a new level of regulating whether or not a person or cellular aspects of the persons biology could be reversed from apoptose apoptosis death to a fully functioning cellular characteristic with meiosis and mitosis included in the replication and duplication of cells to get to certain stages of life animation reanimation and functionality The adaptation of making a calico cat that is female due to proper circumstances of gene modification you had aaptation of taking that calico cat and transferring it to a speciality a calico male there by formulating a plan genetically for the activation of certain types of methods in genetics epi-genetics to follow the plan of activating the genetics that call for the change in sex of the animal the change in the characteristics of apoptosis being applied to male characteristics add to apply the application of meiosis and mitosis to the living survivor of the experiment which is a calico male eventually reversing detector sticks which makes the male in on surviving species there by changing the genetic locale and function of life and death situations and following the plan cohesively to interject be characteristics upon the male cat a rarity and the function of the male to have longevity to have genetic superiority and to be able to multiply make specify a dominant strain go to the coordination of these efforts an application to longevity medicine and an application to immortality medicine and an application to antiaging is in order
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So by investigating the aspect of the email you wo Actions gary skeete 6:20 PM Keep this message at the top of your inbox To: Gary Skeete
So by investigating the aspect of the email you would be able to find out through making good find out the characteristics of fertility through genetic adaptation epigenetic's gene regulation of functionality of the male cat being fertile can be transferred over to human form for the Adaptation Of regulation of spermatoza fertility and male sexuality The adaptation of the longevity of the cat could be applied to human studies as well for the longevity a few months the adaptation of disease states in the cat being cancerous to that cat could be related to cancer is in humans disease studies regulating E. coli disease studies regulating cancers in cats as opposed to cancers in humans and the adaptation of medications of studies to correct sequences of events that take place to provide apoptosis to cats of the male species a calico preventing them from being born with the regulation of those activities come be finding out of new applications to prevent disease add to prevent premature death in humans The realization that the application would require massive production of antibodies internally externally in the lab in vitro in vivo with the application of the anti-bodies being present at times to prevent cancer is episodes throughout the body add to prevent infection the adaptation of the production of those anti-bodies being relevant to the sequencing of the activation the methylation of the prospects of genetic modification for the processes to thrive to a healthy outcome With these adaptations present and the expectations of the experiment successful come the realization of the transfer from the male calico cat to the female calico cat thereby providing females the same about the measures of longevity immortality medicine and anti-aging as well as fertility cancer regulation and disease control So do you have concepts of looking at ovarian cancer cervical cancer breast cancer prostrate cancer disease of the body as well as fertility medicine newborn infants And geastational diseases see research
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