Hi all,
When I run 'tx push -s' in the install-guide working tree, I get warning message for each resource like this:
(f16>)$ tx push -s Pushing translations for resource fedora-install-guide.Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1: You don't seem to have a proper source file mapping for resource fedora-install-guide.Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1. Try without the --source option or set a source file first and then try again.
The corresponding config in .tx/config is as below:
[fedora-install-guide.Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1] file_filter = <lang>/Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1.po source = pot/Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1.pot source_lang = en
I suspect that the line begin with 'source =' should be 'source_file =', but I am not sure.
Another question: currently there are 871 pot files in f16 branch. It means that there should be 871 resources of install-guide on transifex. But now there are only 51 (from 'tx status' output). How should we set up to allow all pot files to appear on transifex?
Besides, Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1 and several similar on transifex do not have corresponding pot file in working tree. Anything wrong here?
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 11:03 PM, alick alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
[fedora-install-guide.Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1] file_filter = <lang>/Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1.po source = pot/Adding_Partitions-section-2-ilist-1-litem-1.pot source_lang = en
I suspect that the line begin with 'source =' should be 'source_file =', but I am not sure.
Indeed. Here's a link to the help page, just in case: http://help.transifex.net/features/client/index.html#txconfig
Another question: currently there are 871 pot files in f16 branch. It means that there should be 871 resources of install-guide on transifex. But now there are only 51 (from 'tx status' output). How should we set up to allow all pot files to appear on transifex?
Just upload/push them.
I'm glad I'm not the one downloading 66.196 PO files for 76 langs.. lol :)
于 2012年02月04日 16:02, Dimitris Glezos 写道:
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 11:03 PM, alick alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
Another question: currently there are 871 pot files in f16 branch. It means that there should be 871 resources of install-guide on transifex. But now there are only 51 (from 'tx status' output). How should we set up to allow all pot files to appear on transifex?
Just upload/push them.
I manage to set up 847 resources locally in .tx/config file. 24 from all 871 are excluded because they are not used (from publican print_unused).
However, when tx push -s, I got HTTP 403 error. Seems like I don't have the privilege to push source files to transifex?
The script used to set up '.tx/config' is as follows. It is modified from the one in tx client doc.
project="fedora-install-guide" potfilelist="potfilelist" excludefilelist="excludefilelist"
for POTFILE in `cat potfilelist`; do if ! egrep -q "^${POTFILE}$" ${excludefilelist}; then FILE="${POTFILE%.pot}" #echo $FILE tx set --auto-local -r ${project}.$FILE --source-language=en \ --source-file pot/$FILE.pot "<lang>/$FILE.po" --execute fi done
Note that the file "potfilelist" can be produced by:
ls pot/ > potfilelist
And the file "excludefilelist" can be produced by:
publican print_unused --nocolours > excludefilelist (manual edit needed...)
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:58 PM, alick alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
I manage to set up 847 resources locally in .tx/config file. 24 from all 871 are excluded because they are not used (from publican print_unused).
However, when tx push -s, I got HTTP 403 error. Seems like I don't have the privilege to push source files to transifex?
You need to be a maintainer to the project you want to push source files. You can push translation files if you're simply a member of the team.
于 2012年02月07日 15:01, Dimitris Glezos 写道:
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:58 PM, alick alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
I manage to set up 847 resources locally in .tx/config file. 24 from all 871 are excluded because they are not used (from publican print_unused).
However, when tx push -s, I got HTTP 403 error. Seems like I don't have the privilege to push source files to transifex?
You need to be a maintainer to the project you want to push source files. You can push translation files if you're simply a member of the team.
Thanks for the clarification. I've just pushed my commits back to git repo at fedorahosted.org. Hope that one of the current maintainers can push the source files to transifex.
Thanks to nb, you are now one of the install-guide maintainers in Transifex, so you should be able to push source files now.
Thanks for taking care of this guide's I18n!
On Tue, 07 Feb 2012 18:01:11 +0800 alick alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
于 2012年02月07日 15:01, Dimitris Glezos 写道:
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:58 PM, alick alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
I manage to set up 847 resources locally in .tx/config file. 24 from all 871 are excluded because they are not used (from publican print_unused).
However, when tx push -s, I got HTTP 403 error. Seems like I don't have the privilege to push source files to transifex?
You need to be a maintainer to the project you want to push source files. You can push translation files if you're simply a member of the team.
Thanks for the clarification. I've just pushed my commits back to git repo at fedorahosted.org. Hope that one of the current maintainers can push the source files to transifex.
-- alick Fedora 16 (Verne) user https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Alick -- docs mailing list docs@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/docs